The World Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Permanent relationship, marriage, celebrations, anniversaries, ideal partner, soul mates.

The World Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The world really is your oyster as your relationship goes from strength to strength. You may even find yourself moving further along the commitment ladder, perhaps by starting a family, moving in together or tying the knot. There is also a chance of travel, so a romantic holiday, a honeymoon or relocation abroad are a possibility. Your relationship is solid and this is an ideal point to discuss new ideas and plans, particularly if they are fairly major decisions such as a change of abode.

Singles, you have the world to play for as you others are drawn to you, these folks may be very different from the people you have met in the past which adds to their allure. Generally, your life should be bursting with new opportunities and travel is likely. Make the most of what is being offered to you and this will draw someone extra-special into your circle. Any relationships begun at this point are likely to have staying power and frequently possess a spiritual dimension.

Reversed Meaning

Careful now, is your romantic interest all they seem to be? It may be that you have not realised just how good your romantic partner is. Whether you are single or a regular Darby and Joan a past relationship may be casting a shadow over your present one, you need to get over this and live in the here and now.

You may have an unacknowledged admirer; they might not be all that you had dreamed of or even what you normally think of as 'your type', yet, if you give them a chance they may sweep you off your feet. Don't be frightened to go out into the world, sometimes you have to take a risk to win a romantic opportunity.

The World suggests that you are about to change your views as you move on to a new phase in your life. Don't be afraid to explore new ground and test your ideas of what you think you want.


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