The Star Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Happiness, acceptance, a developing relationship, love, trust, self-expression, a happy relationship, deepening romance.

The Star Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Single? Well not for much longer, if you are truly looking for love someone is looking for you, and furthermore you should find each other very soon. Your new relationship will be profound and based around sharing a similar world view. If you are trying to heal a broken heart you are making good progress and will move on. Try to make the most of this time by building up your self-esteem and confidence. When you are ready a very special person will come into your life who will make the sun shine for you once more.

Has your relationship suffered a setback, perhaps even a major problem? Do not despair there is still a chance for it to recover as long as you are willing to try hard and be frank with each other. Even if things do not work out as you might have wished there is still the hope of a bright future.

Reversed Meaning

What do you see when you look in the mirror, hopefully you see a valuable human being, but with the reversed star around you are more likely to stand there pulling yourself to bits. When you undervalue yourself others can be encouraged to undervalue you too. Think about all the wonderful things you have done or what a good, kind and loving person you are. Make sure your other half does not take you for granted – don't take them for granted either. Single people may have become a touch cynical and feel that true love is an illusion or that it simply won't happen to them. Wrong! There is someone out there for you; have faith.

For people with partners this could be the moment reality bites and you realise that Prince or Princess charming snores, whines and does those annoying things all human beings do. There is nothing wrong, it is just the rose stain has come off your glasses and you are seeing the world as it really is.


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