The Lovers Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Love, relationships, a choice of lovers, seeking love, partnership, a love rival.

The Lovers Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Wahay! You've got The Lovers, so you're sorted in the love stakes. Well no, not quite, nothing with the tarot is ever that simple. In modern packs the card is normally illustrated by a couple but in older designs there is often a third person and this is why The Lovers often represents a choice. This choice could be between two potential beaus but it could also refer to a choice between a lover and a friend or family member. It may also mean that you have to choose between a job and romance or even a whole way of life. The Lovers can also encourage you to take a new course of action leading you from tried and tested paths. When The Lovers appear it may be time to sacrifice some of those things in life which have made you feel safe and move on to new and slightly unnerving territory. Don't worry though, this is all part of moving forward as an individual and in the long term any change is for the best. Trust your intuition to guide you to the ideal course of action.

If you are already in a relationship you need to consider how this is progressing and you need to assess the levels of commitment held by those involved. This may not be a negative thing, you may realise that you have met your soul mate. Be aware that there is a risk a third party could put the cat firmly among the pigeons.

Single folk may find that potential admirers are like buses, none for ages then two turn up at once – at least you have a choice of romantic chums.

Reversed Meaning

'Oh it's just one thing after another!' If that sounds familiar you can be sure there is something happening on a deeper level when it comes to your relationship. The reversed Lovers suggests that one of you may be hurt or lack commitment to your partnership. Whenever it appears the Lovers implies a choice and reversed it could mean you need to consider if you really have a future together – are you a couple for the right reasons or simply to avoid loneliness. In extreme cases it can even mean that someone is straying or tempted to do so. Try not to let your imagination run too wild though, you need to view your situation with a clear head. Not that the appearance of this card means your relationship is fatally flawed, it can simply imply that you have an issue to address and when this is done your love can bloom.

If you are single you may soon find you are inundated with dates – sounds peachy eh? Not quite, sooner or later you will have to make a choice, make sure you pick your partner for the right reasons. A mistake now could cause trouble further down the line.


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