The Empress Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Maternal instincts, mother figure, motherhood, domestic well-being, sensuality, sexual skill, physical attraction.

The Empress Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The Empress is a material card, so love and wealth can be combined in her presence, thus her appearance can be a sign that the individual is about to enter a relationship with someone who is financially secure. The new person will also be caring and eager to nurture and help those around them. It is even possible that the new partnership could lead to a joint business venture, or that a business venture could take a romantic turn. Alternatively, the person represented by the card could already have a family from an earlier relationship.

The Empress is a stable sensible sort of soul who doesn't go gadding about flirting with all and sundry, and when she appears in a love tarot reading things are getting serious. The Empress is a thoughtful person who values faithfulness, commitment and marriage. That's not to imply she is boring, quite the contrary, she brings a cornucopia of gifts, abundance and fertility in all aspects of life (a fact worth bearing in mind if the two of you aren't quite ready to be joined by a third somewhat smaller person). Indeed, The Empress may suggest that someone is getting a bit broody and her appearance can also presage news of a pregnancy, for those who wish to start or add to their family there may be no time like the present. The Empress represents the notion of caring, so singletons could find a kind hearted person in their orbit whilst couples can become even more devoted.

If the Empress appears with a number of negative cards this can be a sign that someone in the relationship is smothering their partner or that one partner has problems expressing their emotions at all.

Reversed Meaning

If you are single fight shy of the temptation to show off. Playing a part and flashing the cash to impress others will not work; you might get some attention that's true but it won't be the right sort. Remember you are someone who matters and is worthy of being loved so don't let caring duties or work ties override your need for a special someone; make sure you create the opportunity for a magical person to enter your life.

Are you in a relationship? Then some 'us' time is called for. Call a babysitter, grab a cab and make for some romantic restaurant. If money is tight (and with the reversed Empress that is possible), a walk hand in hand amidst some beautiful scenery or a picnic for two (don't forget a picnic blanket!) can help set things right.

One more thing, upright The Empress can point to a pregnancy, the same thing applies when she is reversed, if you don't want a very large small surprise…well, you know what to do.

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