Seven of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Togetherness, socialising, working on a relationship, long term relationship, anniversary.

Seven of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

A friendship could change focus for lucky singles, whilst relationships in their early throes could have long-term potential. Solo souls need to be pro-active in the quest for someone cute, don't dismiss dating someone very different from your usual type of squeeze.

Don't despair if your relationship seems in the doldrums, there is still a chance things will improve, although this may take time. Even then you may not get everything you wanted; you need to decide if you are willing to compromise, but do not make any rash decisions yet.

Reversed Meaning

There is a lovely song by Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel called 'Don't Give Up', dig it out and take a listen, it could be written for you just now. Have faith and patience then your relationship situation will flourish. Things really aren't as bad as they seem, now is not the time to rush about like a bull in a china shop or take risks, wait and you will be rewarded. The Reversed Seven of Pentacles promises slow, steady but profound growth in relationship matters.


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