Queen of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Compassion, family relationships, empathy, sensitivity, unconditional love, parenthood, demanding behaviour.

Queen of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Nurturing, supportive, loving, compassionate, creative and caring, who can resist the person symbolised by the Queen of Cups? Not many folk, and this person draws people into their orbit and suffers no shortage of admirers.

Singletons will face a cornucopia of charming admirers; the problem is which one to choose. Don't be afraid to follow your intuition. Remember to let others know how your feel, they are not mind readers (and if they are they'd probably appreciate the break).This is the ideal time to follow your intuition and express yourself to your loved one. Watch out though, there is a risk of capturing the heart of someone who is as clingy as ivy. If this happens you will need to make it clear that you need some space.

Couples will share a time of love and intimacy. This is the perfect opportunity to remind your amour just how much you adore them.

Reversed Meaning

It's time to face the truth, don't let your emotions cloud your judgement; you could be putting far more into the relationship than you will ever receive. Don't let the fact you care for them mean you allow someone to behave like a cad. If your love is intoxicated by various substances rather than you, seek some help.

Your own moods could be causing chaos in your relationship, so you may need to look at the wider picture. Equally, you may be expecting far too much from your beau, try not to treat them to every emotion you experience as this can be exhausting.


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