Today’s Horoscope
Monday 24th March
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Encountering someone indecisive can be exasperating. Have plans in place? Don’t let their uncertainty affect you. Take charge and chart your own course. While their company is welcome, you must attend to your needs too. If they choose to join in, wonderful! If not, carry on without a thought. You can’t spend all day waiting on them, so focus on what you want.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Sunday 23rd March
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Expect the unexpected but welcome it too, as events over coming days could kick off a friendship or budding romance or perhaps encourage you to take an association to another level. With the Sun newly in your sector of relating, an encounter might prove enchanting. And if you nurture this relationship, it can support you in so many ways. You’ll be changed by them too.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Tuesday 25th March
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Mercury rewinding stirs the past, and Pluto deepens this process. A reunion that once involved an intense relationship can bring back old memories, both good and complicated. The universe isn’t playing games, it’s giving you a chance to find closure or insight. Whether it’s unfinished business, unspoken words or just a lingering “what if,†this is your chance to resolve it.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 24th March
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Solar Eclipse brings a fresh chapter in relationships, whether it’s about deepening a connection, starting anew or turning over a fresh leaf. And Neptune’s big move into Aries, suggests that romance could take on a dreamy glow. You’ll be drawn to artists, visionaries or creative souls. But be mindful of boundaries as idealism is great, but awareness is crucial.
March Monthlies Horoscope
March Monthlies
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your ruler Venus goes Retrograde on the 2nd, but still forges dazzling links with lucky Jupiter and speedy Mercury in the early part of March. But discussions can be fluid, especially if life has been burdensome and you’ve felt you’ve been carrying too much of the load. You need to feel heard, and if you can exercise your gift for diplomacy, your message will get through. In fact, relationships of all kinds come sharply into focus, but particularly around the Spring Equinox, when Venus and the Sun newly in Aries, angle to transformer Pluto.