The planet of action, thrust, assertion, and risk-taking, Mars, has been retrograde since the 6th of December, goes Direct in Cancer, on Monday and spends the week in a good angle to the planet of structure Saturn.
• Frustrations that have been palpable could ease, but a tense connection between Mercury and Saturn early in the week suggest choosing our words carefully is advisable.
• This more positive vibe is also boosted by Venus and Jupiter, the two planets of fortune, continuing a helpful alliance.
• This week’s New Moon in Pisces does though see a Square to Jupiter, so issues that have been buried could still come to the surface, and with Mercury ending the week in a mystical connection to Neptune and the North Node, we need to be guided carefully by our inner voices.
• The week ends, with Venus starting its complex Retrograde through to the 13th April, first in Aries, then back again in Pisces, so as much as some progress is possible, some other parts of our hopes can seem illusive.