Scorpio Season begins in earnest, but the two co-regents of this sign, Mars and Pluto, are the real movers and shakers in the heavens this week.
• Pluto, in its last weeks in Capricorn, in our life times, clashes with both the Sun, before he enters Scorpio and starts to go face to face with Mars, which will peak in early November.
• Power, and how it is applied, will be particularly to the fore.
• Still, Mars can spark innovations in its tie to Uranus, and Mercury helps to grapple with the details that aren’t always obvious.
• The Leo Quarter Moon however, can bring issues of control, possessiveness and jealousy to the fore.
• All in all, don your celestial tin hats, this can be quite the week and is sure to be intense.
• Please join me as I unpack all this…