Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Astrology Video WC 16th December 2024 + All Signs…

The energy of the Gemini Full Moon cascades into the start of this week in a particularly potent way.

• So, despite Mercury, Gemini’s guide planet, now travelling forwards after its Retrograde, the potential for distortion, exaggeration and confusion is still high, and this will peak on Wednesday.

• However, Venus and Jupiter, astrology’s two luck bringers do come together in a very positive way on Saturday, which is perfect for the festive get togethers many will be enjoying and can spring a slice of serendipity with them.

• The Capricorn Solstice also on Saturday, ushers in the final Quarter of the Astrological Year, and does T Square with the Nodal Axis. It’s angle to the North Node in particular can see our need to be individual compete with someone’s expectation that we fit in with their plan, and this person may be a stickler for tradition.

For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 16th December 2024 for each sign, please see below…