Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Uranus Direct + 6 Month Forecast + 12 Signs

Today, 30th January 2025, Uranus stations Direct.

• Uranus has been tracking back since 1st September, through its annual 5 month Retrograde through 4 degrees.

• We have experienced huge global turmoil since Uranus first entered Taurus, where he is in Fall, in Mid May 2018.

• What did the seeding Event Chart show? A mighty clash with Mars. And sure enough instability and turbulence have been much to the fore since.

• So as Uranus Stations Direct it is going to power forwards until entering Gemini for a brief sojourn for 4 months from 7th July. That does indeed bring exciting opportunities, but what can we expect in the interim?

• First I share the Event Chart which shows Uranus in the visible, worldly 10th House but clashing with the Moon in the sign, Uranus co-rules of Aquarius.

• Suggesting more tension is ahead, despite how some frustrations could ease Uranus will be within 2 degrees of the mighty Algol, one of the most feared of Fixed Stars, through April and May. What does that likely mean?

• Please join me as I unpack all of this, the ways that Uranus Retrograde has disrupted us, but also how, when it reaches Gemini the amazing Golden Triangle forged with Pluto, Neptune and Saturn can bring some amazing possibilities.

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