Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Taurus Super Full Moon 15/16 November Forecast + All Signs

The Taurus Full Super Moon – also known as the Beaver Moon.

• Occurs Universal 9:28:00 PM on the 15th November 2024.

• At 24 Degrees it will be influencing anyone challenging who has key planets from 21 to 27 Degrees in the Fixed Signs, in particular.

• This event is Conjunct with the disruptive energies of Uranus and also the Fixed Star Capulus which can be very unfortunate.

• This is the cumulation event of the Taurus New Moon of May 2024.

• Please join me as I share the Event Charts Natal and Solar, which illustrate this influence this Lunation will have.

• The Natal Chart shows the Moon and Uranus in the 10th House, suggesting it will be very hard for many of us to disguise our feelings over the next week or two.

• The key is try to flex. The Fixed energies at play can see us resist or respond or get caught in pride fullness with Mars in Leo, in the 12th House and potentially arousing deeper emotions we may not be so conscious of.

Please Click/Tap to watch my Deep Dive Video inc All Zodiac Signs for your TWO WEEK Forecast…