Well, we’ve needed to hold onto our celestial hats quite a bit this year, now we to add a chin strap, and make sure we tie it firmly as stunning revelations beckon.
• What an epic lunation this is going to be. Big reveals are in the celestial works, both financially, with corruption and sexual scandals.
• One challenging influence directly to the New Moon is the Quincunx with the North Node. Here where we are most invested emotionally, spiritually, romantically, sexually or financially struggles to align with what we need as individuals.
• Yet a quite brilliant Mystic Rectangle occurs along with a Water Grand Trine. I explore both for you.
• But with Mercury in Scorpio in an electric opposition to the unpredictable Uranus, the two rulers of Scorpio in a terrifically powerful raw clash, and Venus muted by Saturn, there is so much going on that could prove more testing.
With so much complex energy in play, please join me as I unpack all of this for you. Please Click/Tap for more…