Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Saturn Direct + Year 2025 inc Saturn in Aries Forecasts All Signs…

Please join me as I tackle a big old subject, Saturn Stationing Direct in Pisces on the 15th November 2024 and his journey through the coming twelve months of 2025.

I share the Event Chart as he goes Direct, which ironically sees Saturn in the 12th House, reflecting its journey in Pisces to May 25th 2025.

I also unpack the Jupiter Saturn Square of 24th December, a repeat of 19th August, what is that all about? Jupiter in Retrograde and in Detriment is about expansion, but Saturn can be about containment. Ideas and philosophies will spill into the open, that could cause concern. Reactions are possible, even likely.

But then, what about Saturn in Aries, from late May. I share the Event Chart for this too. Guess what, Saturn is in the 12th House! This even in the Fire sign of Aries it has a contemplative, psychological dimension.

In Aries he is also in his Fall, but also connects with Neptune through to the 1st September, but crucially links back to Pluto in Aquarius and also to Uranus from 7th July.

I share the angle that connects all those planetary players. It’s very special and completely rare. A Golden Triangle. But what is its meaning?

It’s a huge band and strand of energy impacting upon us all, but I go through each of the twelve signs, from Aries to Pisces inc to give you an insight of what you can expect from the perspective of your Ascendant, Sun or Moon.

Please Click/Tap to watch my Deep Dive Video inc All Zodiac Signs…