Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Jupiter Square Saturn 24th December 2024 + All Signs…

Please join me for this Deep Dive Video about one of astrology’s most important structural influences.

• This is a once in ten year event (the first was 19th August 2024).

• It is repeated again on 15th June 2025 but by then Saturn will have ingressed to Aries for its three month sojourn and Jupiter will be in Cancer.

• What is the significance of the Greater Malefic Saturn clashing with the Greater Benefic, Jupiter?

• Saturn can be about boundaries but is in the limitless Pisces, whilst Jupiter can be about philosophies but is in Retrograde and in Detriment, in the sign of quick exchanges, Gemini.

• Saturn is nearing the end of its 29.5 year cyclical journey through the zodiac and will move for a longer period into Aries in mid February 2026.

• Until then Saturn is pushing us all to work at understanding our deeper feelings, emotions and also reaping the outcome of these previous years. The planet of karma brings its verdict.

• The bright and bubbly energies of Gemini are in stark contrast to this, and this Square will show where claims have been made that are false, baseless and empty.

• Thus this can be a time when Hope clashes with Reality.

• This occurs at 14 Degrees 1′ so anyone with Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) planets between 11 Degrees and 17 Degrees will feel this keenly.

• I share the Solar and Natal Event Charts, with the Natal Event chart giving us a more precise understanding of how this will play out. The Ascendant is Virgo, so essentially we have a Grand Mutable Cross with Mercury in Sagittarius informing this event too.

• I go through each of the twelve signs from Aries to Pisces inc, to give you a flavour of what to expect for your Ascendant, Sun or Moon.

Please Click/Tap to watch your Zodiac Sign Forecast for the Ascendant, Sun or Moon…