Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Emotions Erupt Cancer Full Moon Deep Dive Video + All Signs…

The Cancer Full Moon is particularly evocative this year, not just because the Moon is resident in the sign it guides, but because of the role of Mars, in its Retrograde but also in its Fall.

• This can be a very reactionary time when issues that have lay hidden could erupt to the surface.

• This event is also close to Fixed Star Pollux, itself challenging to the Moon, so intensity is amped up even more.

• Yet, Uranus, often the agent provocateur can be a force for good on this occasion, pushing us to deal with issues in a speedy and fresh way.

• The Event Chart based on the Prime Meridian and Universal Time, also sees the four Earth Points activated by the Angles, and pitches the Moon and Mars into the public 10th House. So as much as Cancer can have a tendency to withdraw or evade, this year this may not happen.

• Anything to do with Work/Life balance issues will come sharply into focus, but triggering energies are to the fore.

• Discover the exact timings and dates for this Wolf Moon in all the major cities of the world.

• Watch your Zodiac Forecast from the perspective of your Ascendant, Sun, or Moon positions

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