Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

🌕 Gemini Full Moon Deep Dive Video + All Signs – Secrets Revealed…

At 23 Degrees 52′ this event, also known as a Cold Moon is T Squared by the dreamy, sometimes distorting influence of Neptune.

• Anyone with Mutable planets or Angles (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) from 20 Degrees to 26 Degrees will feel this event keenly.

• Gemini is the sign of fast communication, but everyday conversations, technology, social media, neighbourly relationships and those with siblings can be particularly impacted by this lunation.

• This Full Moon does though apply to a Fixed Star in a positive way.

• Yet we need to look at the seeding event of the 6th June when the Gemini New Moon was squared off by Saturn.

• However, the two rulers of both the Moon’s location in Gemini – Mercury and Sagittarius Jupiter, are both in Retrograde and both in Detriment. Further, Saturn, like Neptune to the Full Moon is in Pisces and Squaring Jupiter.

• Thus the potential for confusing interactions, gossip, slander, cheating, theft, or exaggeration are all heightened.

• However, some strands or information that has been hidden could be revealed over the next two weeks.

• For anyone travelling over the holiday’s do be sure to have contingencies planned in case of delays.

• Also be conscious of spiked drinks, and unseen health challenges such as bugs and viruses (Neptune in the 12th Solar House) so care is needed with personal hygiene.

• I share both the Solar and Natal Event charts.

For more on all of this please join me for my Deep Dive Video and your Two Week Forecast for All Zodiac Signs to the Year’s end…