Indian Horoscopes 2015
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your career could pick up this year. After a couple of challenging years, new ideas and creativity can be your savior. The turnaround may come for you after July when new ideas and a new project that you are working on could become a reality. In the area of health, 2015 can be quite moderate for you, as no serious alignment will be affecting you. Financially, you can see growth this year, as you will invest your hard earned money in profitable schemes. You will have full support of your family in whatever task you take in hand. Those natives who are studying presently can achieve success in some tough and prestigious competition. Young or eligible candidates have a strong chance of entering into matrimony by the end of July. The latter half of the year is also auspicious. Efforts and activities in the first half will yield positive results. There is also an indication of extra expenditure related to health of elders in the family in last quarter of the year. Furthermore, any major decisions or controversial issues should be kept on hold until at least the middle of July 2015. Even if you have to take a decision it would be beneficial to consult a good friend during this time. There could be gains and unexpected inflows in last quarter as well. This can be a slightly better year for you, although hurdles and hassles will remain. A new way of thinking and maturity of thought will be a positive asset. Those who are planning for progeny will get good news in 2015. You may not be able to stay relaxed regarding your family on the health front. You may have to think about these matters during the second calendar quarter of the year. If you have been struggling to go abroad, this time seems favorable.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
In this year, the blessing of time will lead you in the right direction, bringing you success. Nothing will deter you from your goals. You will fulfill the wishes of your family members. You might plan to buy a new property or move to a better place during the third quarter of the year. You can overcome competition easily. It is a period of rapid growth and fulfillment. In 2015, you have strong chances of achieving name, fame, wealth and everything that you desire. If you are thinking of a job change, this year is a favorable time. You can fulfill someone’s dreams, which will make you happy. This is a dream period work wise. Years of hard work and plans can materialize. You need to do a lot of hard work now. This is a period when you need to make hay while the sun shines. Your financial position can be positive during the first half of 2015. There can be a continuation of business and professional success as you soar in the last year. You will enjoy your love life to the fullest this year, as your partner will be there to support you with all their love and affection. You might meet the person of your dreams. You may plan some family tour this year as well. The next significant period in marriage and love matters would come after May 2015. January/February and the middle of July/August will see a sudden gain of income. You need to be more flexible in your attitude and deal with situations with an open mind as it helps in developing understandings in the last quarter of 2015. Pay attention to your children’s health between April and July. Health of your spouse should be a priority. Overall, this is a good year for growth.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
According to 2015 predictions, almost the entire year is wonderful for all matters. It is indicated to be a satisfactory year for you. This is a harmonious time for all, and you will see positive changes in terms of love, marriage and relationships. You need to address a few psychological adversities. This is the year where partnerships will play a central role in defining your life ahead. You will rise and shine only when you start pushing yourself. The middle of the year will see you take a practical approach towards life and your focus will shift to finances. Your financial status will fulfill your wishes. Some of you can also look for change. Your efforts will be appreciated by both your peers and seniors. The year promises an opportunity for employment for women with skills or higher education. Romantically, a pleasant and interesting period runs during August to October 2015. You can have an interesting year in terms of relationships and marriage. In the beginning of the year you will face slight negativity, pressures and problems with relationships. This year you can be traveling a lot, and be assured these journeys can bring you success. You will buy something for your house, which you have been planning for a long time. A friend or well-wisher may also help in rejuvenating a closing business. Socially, you will achieve more identity and credit too. If we focus on students, they will keep on getting positive results. This year will give you full liberty to enjoy your health as you are ready to take control of your habits. This year you should follow your intuitive instincts as it can guide you towards the best possible outcome and a state of peace in your life.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may reap success during the first half of the year due to constructive thoughts and a positive attitude due to the positive vibes of Jupiter. You will find yourself entering a stable phase in your life. Things will certainly take a turn for the better where your personal life is concerned. Try to avoid taking on unnecessary physical and mental baggage, as it would only harm you during August to October 2015. The year will not bring tension related to money, so spend when it is needed. You may get improved financial gains from your profession, business and the stock exchange during the first half of the year through confidence and a positive attitude. An optimistic attitude, a generous approach and a diplomatic quality will be developing during the last quarter of the year. Businessmen are going to enjoy the bliss of power as well as rulership which will bring some good opportunities to enhance their influence. Students would gain success in their educational endeavors due to their hard work. They can easily eliminate disinterest towards studies and depression by way of practicing meditation and breathing exercises. Overseas educational trips may be possible through genuine efforts. On the positive side, the young natives may also get some kind of job even if temporary or attain wealth. You will get success in your love life and romance related activities during the second half of the year. It is very important for you to control sensitive and emotional attitude to infer better bonding and avoid misunderstandings or disharmony with your relationship partner in the first quarter of the year. Better understanding, friendly attitude and a good role playing personality must be cultivated in this year. You will have enough reasons to look back at this great year and celebrate. Financial activities will be very rewarding with lady luck smiling on you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you run your own business, then you can get a chance to work with an esteemed client. Family life will be enjoyable, as academic achievement of your siblings will bring joy in a family. Travel plans this year will be encouraging; as you might travel long distance for some personal or professional reason. You will maintain perfect physical and mental health. You will be able to carry on your day to day duties and responsibilities without any hindrance from external events. Even for work related matters, 2015 looks quite brilliant. It is going to bring a whole bunch of changes to your life and work. In the first half of the year, you will be able to give a concrete shape to your plans. This year will also be favorable to get loans or to recover old loans given by you. You may start new projects or you even take on a new job during the second quarter of the year. However, there will be an increase in income during this year, especially during the month of September onward. Your expenses may shoot up during the first quarter of 2015. If you have reached the age of getting married, wedding bells are all set to ring. There would be some happiness in relationships but after May 2015. There would be improvements after July 2015, as the level of bonding and connection will improve. You will feel more energetic, positive in your ability to handle relationships. If you remain committed and bound to the objective even within limited means, you will achieve good results, wealth and fame in this year. Overall, you will feel confident and positive about yourself. Utilize the opportunities coming your way. Gains will be there through overseas trips. You might be blessed with children as well, if you planning for that.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You are experiencing expansion; high gains and a high level of confidence at the beginning of the year. You realize you are so full of determination to succeed that almost nothing can pry you away from your mission. Spiritual integrity and pilgrimage to holy places would bestow you with happiness and peace of mind. Relationships with children will improve. You will embrace the positive thinking in your life, which will make your face glow. You can enjoy domestic happiness and comforts due to your honest and transparent attitude. Your spouse may need medical care during August and September. From a financial point, the inflow of money would be more than your expectations. Family is important to you and this year you are ready to fulfill their wishes by spending lots of time with them. Your dream of buying your own house will be fulfilled in the first half of the year. On the professional front, new horizons are indicated for you. Romance is out there, but you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve it. Romantically, you suddenly see the bigger picture. A slowdown can be felt in the second half of 2015, while it would not bring any reversals as such. Unnecessary travel and investments should be avoided after July 2015. The position of Jupiter foretells that you will feel better indulging in spiritual as well as religious activities. There can be a very high level of activity in your love life, despite pressures and preoccupation. This year will bring a quick solution to even the most troubling of problems. Beginning a new relationship, buying luxury items and investing in objects of art or items of beauty is generally encouraged during the year.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
There is a divine cycle that supports you in your efforts to create peace and harmony in your family life. You would overcome challenging situations through constructive ideas and new strategies. You will definitely achieve success and recognition in your profession as well as in your bank balance too. Financially, this looks to be an excellent year for you when investments will be profitable and successful. Professionally, being realistic in your projects helps you in achieving further success in life. Travels made during this year shall be favorable and growth oriented. The year will have an excellent start for you, with your finances getting a huge increase and some of your past investments paying off. This year will help you in expanding your business by investing money in new avenues. Career wise, this year you might go through a big change. Help from your peers will help in completing your tasks, thus making your life calm. Those natives associated with the service sector or self-employed may see some enhancement in their status, due to recognition. A friend of yours will play the role of matchmaker and bring you close to a special someone who seems to promise a good future in terms of love and romance. Marriage alliance of co-born will bring a festive atmosphere at home. Gain from property is apparent, as your ancestral house will fetch you good returns. This year will teach you that being pragmatic in life helps you to achieve success. Health, both physical and mental, will improve. It looks like you have got some new energy. Respect and honor will increase along with public support. Beneficial chances will also become strong.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A logical and constructive approach, coupled with a strong determination may aid you to reap success in your assignments during the year. Powerful planets will play an important role in shaping your luck. You will be granted many rights that you’ll earn by performing important duties in the year ahead. It is time for rewards in proportion to what you have put into your situation. You are going to enjoy sound health due to conquering distressing situations with ease. There may also be promotions or new responsibilities in your work front during this period. Financially this year, partnership in a business could benefit you. Experienced colleagues will be helping you throughout the year, which you can regard as an additional bonus. If you are facing some property disputes, chances are you might win the case. You may incur better financial gains through your confidence, hard work and a positive attitude during the second half of the year. You will get rid of your anxiety to improve your bonding with a love partner during the months of February to June. Wedding proposals may proceed slowly and can materialize during the second and third quarter of the year. You will spend quality time with your spouse and sort out any differences to avoid disharmony and other unpleasant situations. It is a very good year to sort out misunderstandings with your love partner. Some of the natives may embark on overseas educational trips during the year. The year end brings several professional and personal possibilities your way and you are thrilled to be a part of many important projects. You will enjoy sound health too.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You would see some changes taking place in your life and surroundings. Spiritual inclination would attract you towards charity and social welfare. New ideas and great opportunities will truly make this year a highly exciting time for you. You are likely to get rid of health problems, which can take their toll on your during the last few months. You will be comforted by the affection and co-operation of elders or siblings. You can also look forward to garner profits through investment in shares and securities. Speculative trading would fetch you better results during the latter part of the year. Financially, you will see good growth this year, especially in the second half. Professionally, setting ambitious goals would drive you to achieve success. Keep in mind that some tough measures will be required on your part to succeed. Aggressive and impulsive tendencies should be avoided and clear communication should be encouraged in the first quarter of 2015. The second half of the year is more favorable for business. Income from foreign trade or business will flourish during this time. Students will have to take more interest in their studies and work hard during the first half of the year. The year in terms of love and marriage matters begins impulsively and can fluctuate. New relationships might be a bit challenging because you can expect more than the reasonable amount of affection or attention from your loved ones. July 2015 onwards, your luck will rise; finances will be substantially higher, creative work will give you good opportunities in every walk of life. You will make a very positive turnaround in luck and fortune this year. A balanced outlook helps you in protecting and simultaneously enhancing your financial growth.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The first half of 2015 is amazing for you. Communication will be highlighted. You are willing to talk and express how you really feel. Positive communications, especially with siblings or peers, are going to be emphasized during this period. March to July brings certain intense situations your way that will have you revisiting and rebuilding certain foundations of your professional and personal life. In 2015 you will enjoy sound physical health for the whole year as you are focusing on positive thinking. This would keep you away from tension and diseases. Domestic happiness and peace in relationships can be enjoyed due to a constructive approach. Legal issues will be resolved amicably. It will be a good time to express your feelings to your special one. Chances of positive results for an alliance or marriage may occur for few during first and second quarter. At the same time, current relationships might become challenging for you after a relatively happy time. Financially this year it’s good to make the best use of your money as a unique business opportunity might come your way. Monetary gains from your profession, business or speculation will steadily increase during the first half of the year. There will be a good time to take up additional responsibilities and win the confidence of superiors. At work or business, calculated steps on the professional front will be rewarded this year. You may inherit your ancestral property. Selling property between August and November will bring good profit. Beyond July 2015, things will start changing as your focus shifts in many ways. The focus would start moving away from relationships to career and work. Overall, this year take decisions by relying on your inner strength and judgment. Your career will also see a sudden amount of vibrancy and new opportunities in third and forth quarter of the year. You will learn from your past experiences to succeed in the future.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You are going to enjoy a healthy life as your health-conscious drive starts bringing good results. A pilgrimage to holy places may bring success and happiness during February to May. This can turn out to be a good year for you with some surprises being revealed on the personal front. You will have strong desire to work hard and this will bring success in every front. You will surely consolidate your scattered efforts for success. It is just that you would need to work smart and more ingeniously, that is all. The last quarter of the year is going to be totally outstanding and you are likely to achieve your personal and professional best at this time. Financially this year you are likely to get monetary gains from more than one source. New investment in property, land or vehicles is to be restricted from January to June to avoid losses. If unmarried or eligible for marriage, the second half of 2015 is excellent for marriage matters. There are high chances of finding someone or getting a marriage arranged through the family during this year. Cordial relations are to be ensured with friends, partners or your spouse to reduce problems significantly during first half of the year. Career wise, a steady pace of business can bring lucrative changes. Your honest, hard work and self-confident nature will help to win over litigation or difficult situations, leading to success during the second half of the year. Spending money to perform some auspicious work would bring tremendous joy to you and your family. September 2015 onwards, you can enter into a very social and positive phase. There can be opportunities to meet with friends and have a pleasant and positive period with your spouse or partner.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Year 2015 will be excellent health wise, as your dream to attain a sound health is likely to realize, as you begin your efforts towards it. You will see your inbuilt communication skills coming to your rescue in many tricky situations. You will enjoy stable health during the first part of the year. This will also enable you to expand your business besides increasing profits. Making a new franchise will be in your favor. You will be able to realize moderate gains through business ventures and contracts between May and July. Do not be surprised if you see some of your innermost dreams coming true this year. Family is a strong support system and helps you overcome most of the hurdles in life. Wedding celebrations and family gatherings shall be memorable and enjoyable. On the personal front, it is a very promising year ahead, as you will witness harmonious relations with your colleagues and higher authorities. You will find that your financial situation will improve as the year opens up bringing substantial gains. 2015 will be positive for education. But, some hindrances may arise in the third quarter of 2015. Some students may embark on overseas educational trips during the second quarter. You will be more romantic in your thoughts to express your love. Caring or emotional tendencies may bring some uneasiness among couples. 2015 is very positive for love and relationships. You are going to be romantically inclined and conducive to getting into new relationships. Luck can improve financially overall. There would be gains and growth due to income from partners and your spouse. Those who are planning for children can be blessed. This year is about growth, in your personal as well as professional sphere. Elevation in position will be possible during the year.