Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There will be a reversal in trends from downward to upward during this year. Your appreciation for romance and friendship will heighten, and you may become hyperactive in your pursuit of pleasure.

There will be a reversal in trends from downward to upward during this year. Your appreciation for romance and friendship will heighten, and you may become hyperactive in your pursuit of pleasure.

There will be more profits than losses. Investments made during this year will also be fruitful. You may feel the need to turn inwards to recalibrate and relax. An ancestral property is likely to be inherited by you. Practicing meditation and yoga regularly will keep you hale and hearty. The year calls for a workable plan, possibly on different facets; such as career, finance or your family life. Many times, you may even lead a group and have additional responsibilities. If you are planning on starting a new venture, it is advisable to avoid a partnership. Try not to be over-ambitious this year, and keep a check on risk-taking activities. You are likely to travel for spiritual reasons. By April, you may find yourself making hasty career-related decisions. This might be because your confidence has grown so much, that you feel you can’t do anything wrong. You could also see financial gains come in from overseas, depending on your line of work. There is a strong indication for newlyweds to be blessed with good news. This year, you will have a good chance of buying land and/or property. Students will also improve their intelligent quotient. You may receive monetary support from your spouse or in-laws in times of requirement. You need not panic, just be more aware while driving or traveling. You will be well placed and ready for the coming year, after reading your astrological overview.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You are more extrovert, and your excitable side may come to the forefront. Taurus natives will treat their love relationship in a very serious, practical and cautious way. They will not be interested in a short-term love, as they will consider it a waste of time. Keep your focus on your job, and you will feel that things will get back to normal.

Your only work is to be honest. You will also find yourself recognized at work, especially if you were previously flying under the radar. Don’t be afraid to say yes to projects or opportunities. This can be a golden year for you. Business capabilities, coupled with high discrimination power, will help analyze profit and loss in any given situation. Romantic gestures from partners are expected. For singles, you may get married to your loved one this year. You need to keep doing your hard work with sincerity and motivation. Success will be by your side. Time will be good in terms of finance and wealth. You will earn and accumulate good wealth. Your horoscope indicates that students will have an increased interest and focus on their studies. During the initial period of the year, you need to be calm and patient, and also avoid unnecessary arguments with your spouse. This year is good for students in general. Those of you with careers in media or performing arts, will notice financial success coming through. Your career may reach a point of acceleration, and things can happen very rapidly at this time. This period also promotes love, compassion and care between those married, paving the way for an enhanced understanding of one another. This is a good time to reinforce the meaning of family, and to reflect on how you spend your time with them. During the first part of the year, relocation is also possible for some.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Year 2022 is going to be a year of fruitful results for those in the field of education, careers and business. You may have to invest more time into your work, as a result of which, you won’t be able to spend quality time with your family and near and dear ones. Go ahead and plan things accordingly.  Some unexpected profits will come your way, which will round things off nicely. Business ventures will be good, but will also take time to get on track. You are likely to earn recognition and appreciation for your work, and climb the ladder of success. Follow a healthy lifestyle and practice yoga and meditation to keep yourself healthy and fit. Fix a regular exercising routine for yourself, and try sticking to it. Things continue to move along nicely towards the end of the year, and property-related gains may come through for you. Overseas trips are indicated in the second and last quarter of the year.  The mid-2022 period is good for long-term investments and the implementation of financial plans. Students would achieve their goals owing to their mental capabilities. Stay attentive towards the authorities. Job seekers will also get good job opportunities, and they may even relocate due to it. The natives can also expect more than their desired profit from their business. They might also invest large amounts of money in new projects, and get fruitful results. Homemakers may get a chance to make some changes on the home front around May-June. If you’ve never invested in the stock market or engaged in investments before, this year is a good time to try and go for it. You can purchase a home or vehicle for your personal usage. Health wise, this year will be moderately good for you. Be careful while driving, and avoid any adventurous activities during the third quarter.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Year 2022 is going to be a year of fruitful results for those in the field of education, careers and business. You may have to invest more time into your work, as a result of which, you won’t be able to spend quality time with your family and near and dear ones. Go ahead and plan things accordingly.  Some unexpected profits will come your way, which will round things off nicely. Business ventures will be good, but will also take time to get on track. You are likely to earn recognition and appreciation for your work, and climb the ladder of success. Follow a healthy lifestyle and practice yoga and meditation to keep yourself healthy and fit. Fix a regular exercising routine for yourself, and try sticking to it. Things continue to move along nicely towards the end of the year, and property-related gains may come through for you. Overseas trips are indicated in the second and last quarter of the year.  The mid-2022 period is good for long-term investments and the implementation of financial plans. Students would achieve their goals owing to their mental capabilities. Stay attentive towards the authorities. Job seekers will also get good job opportunities, and they may even relocate due to it. The natives can also expect more than their desired profit from their business. They might also invest large amounts of money in new projects, and get fruitful results. Homemakers may get a chance to make some changes on the home front around May-June. If you’ve never invested in the stock market or engaged in investments before, this year is a good time to try and go for it. You can purchase a home or vehicle for your personal usage. Health wise, this year will be moderately good for you. Be careful while driving, and avoid any adventurous activities during the third quarter.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You will want to start something new, and may become very excited about a project or goal that propels you into 2022. Those planning to pursue higher education are likely to hear from the prestigious universities. Singles will get to meet interesting people. Things are going to get better, because your family’s health is also going to improve. Sensuality and romance should be expected. You will care much about your health and fitness levels. You need to focus on your efforts and put your sincerity forward, without indulging yourself in any conflicts. Tap into your intuition and trust what your gut is telling you to do. You will be very secretive, and also there is a chance to be involved in a secret relationship. Your communication skills will push your career along, and by summer, there will be a feeling of great contentment as success is apparent. You may take your financial status to new heights with a crucial plan and a new way of thinking. But maintain caution. True bonds are not easily broken by the slings and arrows of life. Your loyal heart is a strong motivator. Keeping your weight stable will be a major challenge this year, but you have to stay disciplined. Don’t get stressed this year, as you may be prone to being carried away by some of the tensions if you keep them in your head. You may feel detached from your love partner during the second quarter, but your dedication towards love and your partner will always be there. A favorable job transfer is also possible in this particular period of the third quarter. You will be able to manage your cash flow perfectly with the help of your planning abilities, before making any final decisions. Time will bring some constructive challenges for your professional life, as the year 2022 progresses.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

All areas of your life are going well, and you may decide to propose to your partner. Comfort and tranquility at home can be experienced in the third quarter of the year. Your lover is likely to appreciate your efforts being put into the relationship to make it better, happy and content. A celebration in the family or extended family, is also indicated during this period. You will gain different foreign contacts and career opportunities, and during this time, you will also have the opportunity to travel abroad for official purposes. This year will show good growth in money matters. Your earnings will increase, and you may achieve gains through invested money in real estate. You’ll be noticing the fruits of your labour. You may be celebrating your success. Deep feelings and romance are on the cards for the natives this year. If you are trying for a career in research, you may get the chance of admission in your chosen field. You will perform very effectively at work. Any tasks or projects that come with a time limit will be completed promptly. You will have to be very cautious in identifying any false career opportunities during the second quarter, as that can harm you. Show your true nature, and you’ll go far. There are so many avenues for you to take so be confident and see where you feel you fit best. A promotion or starting a side business is indicated in the fourth quarter. You can make wise investments, as you will be in a much better position. Time is also very helpful to reunite with old social relations. You will be able to perform your responsibilities in a better way. Enjoyment of work and personal life will go hand in hand this year. Your social relationships enable you to connect far better with others, adding a little depth and gravitas to your manner.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You will feel a strong need to socialize, and spend time with children and loved ones. Those looking for a prospective alliance on the marital front, are likely to find the second quarter quite interesting. Businessmen are likely to experience an extraordinary boost in their willpower and finances in the last quarter. This is a time of great growth, ambition and expansion. You will step out from the shadows and show people what you are capable of. You may experience some personal challenges that manifest in your friendships. Work issues can crop up at the end of the year, but you’ll be quick to resolve them, and end the year with no loose ends. If your children are of marriageable age, then they might celebrate a marriage ceremony. You need to keep your temperament under control and not utter any harsh words to your seniors or colleagues in the third quarter. Devoting time and energy in meditation is likely to elevate your spiritual graph. This year brings a high possibility of success for couples who are planning to conceive. You want to be at the centre of socializing, and will gravitate towards hubs where you can enjoy the company of others and be in the midst of things. This will bring about a change in your physical health as well as boost your mood. You will develop a positive outlook towards life. You’ll display loyalty and compassion to those you adore, as well as plenty of practicality. A beautiful sense of nostalgia may be experienced. Stars promise you great things, but only if you are open to welcome them. You’ll want to travel with your family.  It promises to be an auspicious year from an economic perspective, and you would get full co-operation from your parents. Apply your skills, experience and intuition wisely to keep your business running smoothly in 2022.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Reflecting on your mental and emotional health will help you greatly. Your inner circle will tighten, and you will know who is on your side and who you can trust. Bonds will be solidified. There may be some minor conflicts in your romantic life. Students who have been preparing for competitive examinations have a chance to succeed at the beginning of the year. This year, any business expansion or diversification plans should be made during the initial months. People who are in a job and expecting a promotion or transfer, can expect the same. Your friendships become harmonious, magical and serene. New business ventures may see the light, and they will turn out to be fruitful. You are naturally easy to get along with due to your steadfast, relaxed nature, and new friends will emerge left, right and centre, making this a very exciting time for you. Natives will have a good lucrative business, and will earn good fortune this year. The beginning of the year would bring favorable results in terms of wealth and profit. There are so many options open to you and roles you can play, and your colleagues and seniors value and appreciate your contribution. You will spend all your energy at work and also rekindle the flame and passion. This year, couples who are in long-term relationships might get married. Be your own best friend and have your own back; you are stronger than you think. You are ambitious at your core, and your financial world reflects this profoundly. You should therefore make full use of your chance and self-confidence, resilience and positive thinking to grab a new position soon. You will need to kick back a bit and relax in order to feel rejuvenated. This is also the best time for you to invest in your long-term future, as it will help to increase your wealth.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Keep working hard, take one step at a time, and you’ll see a glittering golden future ahead of you. Prosperity is your birthright. If married or in a love relationship, you may need to put in extra effort to make the bond work. This is a wonderful period for those of you who are single, as you may meet someone truly life-changing. It is very important that you learn how to relax with a new type of exercise or hobby. To make a big investment, you must think twice or consult an experienced person in that particular field. The current planetary transit will start with a great time in your career. However, from mid-April, you may face some disturbances like miscommunication with seniors or subordinates. Try to be physically active and get out and about to mitigate this. You will feel more beautiful and popular than usual. Year 2022 will give encouraging results to all Taurus students, such as academics, research or for higher studies. Your colleagues and seniors will take notice of you, and you may be presented with options and opportunities that will help you to succeed. Large investments may involve a considerable amount of risk this year. You might also travel abroad for business meetings. Good food habits and modifications in lifestyle will keep you healthy and in better condition. Those into real estate or property business, may see wealth accumulating. However, the second half of the year should see a significant improvement, and will strengthen your finances. Competitive exams should yield better results during the second quarter of the year. Possibilities are also there for those looking for employment abroad, to get suitable foreign placements. Yoga and meditation should be beneficial to you, while observing diet control and consuming nutritious food will help improve your health.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You will enjoy excellent health, and display an upbeat attitude this year. The year will be good to recover from old health issues too. The love and respect of family and friends will boost your self-esteem, and you will enjoy an even better financial period. Friends will bring you much joy and happiness. The progress of the relationship will largely depend on how you treat your partner, and the trust and truthfulness that exists in your relationship. Family life is going to be satisfactory, but your parents’ health may be a little sluggish. You must concentrate on your business with the fullest care. Organizing your budget and charting out your finances would help you to manage your money better, and you will notice the benefits right away. This is a perfect time for starting anything new that requires energy, initiative and courage. You will have the self-confidence to achieve major success. People doing business in partnership with you, will make good profits in the year 2022. Investing in new areas may make you a good profit this year. This is a great time to pursue a partner, as your energy is at its highest peak. Your career may reach a point of acceleration, and things can happen very rapidly at this time. You will acquire wealth professionally, through friends, life partners or professional partners, during this period. Research students can also succeed in their endeavors, while they could also hope for foreign employment. You might perform religious activities, and can also receive benefits through austerities and devotion. This year will be very progressive on the financial front. Understanding, compassion and respect will be strong. This time will create a wonderful nest of support. This year, you have to focus on enhancing your image in public life or in social circles.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The first half of the year seems to bring opportunities that you’ve had your eyes on for a long time. Whether it’s business or a job, whatever you undertake will reach its target. With your confidence soaring, you will look for ways to grow professionally. It can be good to avoid unnecessary spending on luxuries, and instead go only for essential expenditure. A potential marriage proposal for the eligible can be expected in the first quarter. You attract people with your intelligence, restraint and non-flashy manner. You are someone that others are able to take seriously, and you promise a real relationship rather than something superficial. There may be a tendency for students to become distracted, so they must try to focus on their lessons. Your social circle is likely to expand in the second quarter of the year. The work efficiency of those in government employment can receive appreciation from their superiors. The self-employed and businesspersons can hope to make sizable profits. Research students may be able to succeed in their work with the help and support of their professors. However, anxiety and tension can contribute to fitness concerns in the last quarter. If you begin the year with a strong financial plan, you will weather this effortlessly. In the case of partnership businesses, there are possibilities for you to comment on or criticize others at the workplace. You may make donations for spiritual activities, and also spend money on charitable purposes. School students can overcome impediments like distraction, and progress in their studies. Making money and furthering your career are uppermost in your mind at the moment, and this is one thing that you will understand the most. Getting a balance between your personal and professional life could be the main challenge of this year. Revisiting old friends and hobbies may be on your mind too.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

It is said that adversity encourages people to become more resilient and adaptable, and this couldn’t be truer in your case. Regarding family life and relationships, the beginning and end of the year should be great. Even when your confidence takes a knock due to money issues, your imagination and creativity will keep propelling you onwards. Someone is likely to mentor you on the health front. Avoid focusing on health supplements, and stick to the traditional methods to regain optimum health. This year will prove to be a turnaround period for you, if you are in public life. The year 2022 is a good time for business expansion. Pregnant ladies need to be very careful and cautious. Be cautious while speaking to elderly members of the family and the aged, and try to avoid arguments. You may be able to maintain a good rapport with colleagues and superiors. This is a good year to really fine-tune your understanding of money, and develop greater knowledge of the difference between riches and wealth. Singles may meet someone special, and the relationship will be long-lasting. You might also like to improve your rapport with your paternal relatives. There is a significant possibility to redo or upgrade a property. Keep up your hard work, and continue to make sound choices when it comes to your budget. Those who have been suffering from physical ailments will see that their symptoms subside, and they are feeling well again. A good diet and some light exercise will pay off. There are indications that some of you might start a new job or may change your current job this year. You might also devote more time to family members and have pleasant interactions with them, which could strengthen your bond with them. You will be able to pay back your debts. Clearance of old dues will also happen, leaving you relieved.

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