Indian Horoscopes 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This year is the time for you to practice what you do best. Use your tremendous and vibrant energy to focus entirely on yourself, your health, spirituality, goals and aspirations. It is your energy and excitement which will increase rapidly in the beginning.

Surprisingly, you will find yourself quite interested in religious activities.

Stay alert because there is no shortcut for success. With a little understanding, you will be successful in earning as much money as you wish for. A senior officer may add charm to your work. Also, you may get good news related to increment or promotion in the second quarter. No major ailments are indicated. However, since you tend to be highly strung, you should always remember that proper sleep and diet are the best medicine. This will be a favorable year for growth in finance and you may be accumulating some wealth. For those who are married, marital life will be excellent and full of bliss and harmony. For unmarried people, the period between April 2018 and September 2018 will be favorable for marriage. Your performance at work will be good and you will find yourself more productive than in the year gone by. Those employed in service could become engaged in the establishment of new branches, labor management or recruitment. Students may find it easier to focus on their goals in the months of March and July. The prospects for family life are good in the coming year. There will be auspicious ceremonies performed at home. You may come across sudden gains, but at the same time, there could be a lot of challenges too. This is one time when you have to learn to be flexible, nimble, open to ideas and accept the fact that you need to make certain changes in your outlook. You may be concerned about your parents in law and other relatives also.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Prepare yourself the first three months of this year and you will see some curious and interesting new things happening in the early months. You will make some long term work planning, but you need to keep a control over your expenses. You may get involved in some social gatherings with friends. Avoid augmenting with any close friend or relative in second quarter of the year. Try to stay in coordination with your colleagues because one of them might help you achieve real success. You have a natural flair for leadership. It is always very difficult for you to be subjugated by anybody or to follow orders blindly from anyone. The second half of the year will be most favorable for you to acquire some real wealth and fixed assets. You must avoid speculation and gambling in any form. For love and romance, this year may be fruitful as well. You will need to be careful in the first quarter months as problems related to diabetes, thyroid malfunction can come up. You will be keen to invest in a separate activity that becomes a source of income generation for you. It is a good time for someone young from the family will be doing really well and you will have a hand in the individual ‘s performance. You might have to travel unexpectedly at the end of February but it would be a rewarding experience. After a very good run you might be flexible to accept certain changes. Tours and travels locally and internationally will be important this year. If your business is linked globally, you are likely to progress significantly. There are indications of progress for those in areas related to academics, areas, art, technology, literature, beauty and management. You would experience a positive and much rewarding change or a desired transfer this year. You have a good job and sound health, what else is more important!

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You take solace in organization, and like it very much when everything is in order. This year, you will find that fundamental personality traits will be challenged, as 2018 is a year of change for you. Incomplete work will be restored and completed with the help of a friend. You will do more physical hard work than mental. You may go on a work related trip suddenly. These journeys will fetch you benefits. Without considering all the pros and cons and without evaluating every aspect of your relationship, you should not enter into matrimony. You should be careful as muscle pain, ligament injury or sprains are indicated in the middle of the year. If you engage in a new kind of marketing altogether and innovative advertising, there will be better chances of success. There are good chances for eligible individuals for getting married. Your inclination towards religion and spirituality would increase in the last few months of the year. Positive results can be reflected in technology, management, leadership and competitive sectors as your knowledge and intellectual level would be high. Your dedication and efforts from the past in different areas of life would lead you during 2018 towards new opportunities and achievements. Luck will throw a flashlight upon you and you could earn name and fame for your good deeds during the past. All of your hard work and dedication will begin to pay off in all elements of life, be they career, family, love, health or money. Family members will support you. Children will bring bliss to your life. By the end of the year, your financial situation may get better. New sources of income can be found. Invested money will benefit you. Those who are pursuing higher education will achieve expected results.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You are a person with a strong attitude, sharp mind and a quick grasp, and you will have excellent communication skills. You may be quite busy at work, but this hard work will fetch you success. Try to finish your responsibilities within the deadline and this will bring benefits in the second half of the year. If you engage in a new kind of marketing altogether and innovative advertising, there will be better chances of success. There could be a birth in the family too. You may gain a higher position at work or maybe a new project will come your way. Income would increase sharply after March 2018. A communication expert who wishes to express as much as they can will receive much expected promotion at work during this year. Your concentration will improve. Hard work and focus are the secret of success. You will study more, which will fetch you better results during this course of education. This year, you will focus more on bringing in the luxury items at home. Someone in your family might also develop intuitive powers. Think about something new for the expansion of your business. Your planned work will also be accomplished. You will feel amazed with the quality of your work and your rivals will praise you in the last quarter of the year. The year demands intelligence for investing in business. You may have to take out a personal loan to fulfil the daily requirements of home. No matter which status of life you are born into, rich or poor, you will have to work really hard with consistency to make progress in your profession and career.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you are planning to study abroad, you may get admission into a prestigious university. In the second half of the year, you will experience improvement in your financial situation. Additionally, you may also get old debts back, which will make you feel quite relieved. Invest carefully in the share market. Any thoughts of investing in speculation and betting should be ignored. If your life partner is working, they could get name and fame. You will be moving in influential circles in society. Being within a social circle would bring inspiration and motivation. You may also encounter a new source of income. The Universe acknowledges that you’ve been striving hard to reach your goals and the rewards will be plentiful during this year. If you want to pursue higher education abroad, new opportunities are expected. The movement of planets suggests the time is positive for those who want to participate in competitive exams. By the second half of the year, due to a feeling of improvement in compatibility, you will be able to spend beautiful moments with your life partner. You may receive praise and respect for your hard work. Those who want to travel abroad for career growth can expect this time to be good for them. Professions involving communication and interactions with people will be best suitable for you. You relationship front is one of the most exciting as well as the most challenging aspect for you this year. Those who are in jobs will get increment due to promotion. Put all your energy in your new project and double your efforts. There are chances of an addition to the family by way of a marriage or a birth. Your luck would support you tremendously and the hard work you ‘ve put in will play an important role in your success during 2018.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You will feel as if you’re being tested, in strength and character, with different issues during the first four months, but a constant reinforcement of your innate positively will help you sail through. By the end of the year, your reputation will enhance and you will receive more sources of income. You may get new sources of income after July. Additionally, if you are a businessman, you will get opportunities for new ventures. Romantic relationships will blossom, but you need to be understanding and accommodative. You would think a lot about yourself and your reputation. You want to feel respected and important. God is blessing you with his healing, as if you ‘ve been struggling with health issues for a long time, this is the year when you would overcome it and will enjoy better health. Your life partner will be more devoted towards you and may increase the prestige of your family. Love and romance this year for you will also be very exciting as well as challenging. For some, wedding bells can ring any time after the second quarter. There are chances of earning more by the end of the year. You may receive money due to success in business. Chances of acquiring property or buying a house are indicated during the initial months. You would feel more connected to your religious views and would perform good deeds. You will find great surprises and rewards if you stick close to home this year; your familial and personal relationships will strengthen. You have wanted to make some serious changes to your heaven for some time now. The year looks fabulous for love matters, foretells the predictions. Remember to keep those occasional moody moments and tiny tantrums under control. Even a long term family conflict can be resolved in 2018.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

There will be chances of you having sudden luck where a handsome monetary reward could be yours. The Universe is asking you to focus all of your attention on domestic issues this year. Working natives must balance their relationship positively with their juniors. If you are a businessman, you will get opportunities to improve your business. The coming year will be rife with professional challenges. You could become insecure around your current job or around prospects if you are seeking a new one. A royal persona with full determination will be graced by almighty this year as one of your long held wishes could be fulfilled during 2018. In this duration, you will have to put in extra effort to make money. In business, the movement of finances will stay constant. If you were planning to work abroad or set up a business there, this time may prove to be positive for you. You will discover a new strength of mind, body and spirit. There could be a movement of office space to a higher floor level. This strength will give you the energy to complete projects at home, like renovations or alterations to décor. There will be opportunities for implementing innovations at work. Gain through legacy or inheritance is indicated. There is the likelihood of a wedding within the family. There could also be the birth of a child. You are a true pleasure seeker and 2018 promises to bring you a great deal of that which you love most, my friend. Investing in the share market will be lucrative this year. It might give you unexpected benefits. If we talk about students, the year will prove to be awesome. You will keep on receiving guidance from a qualified teacher, which will help you immensely. Someone will repay monies given by you for help a long time back.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You will be very proactive and will take many initiatives and make new efforts to improve your profession and career and your relationship front. If a new opportunity to treat yourself comes along, don’t hesitate to jump, and always keep your energy dazzling and optimistic, no matter what new obstacles attempt to obscure your path. Parents will also help you in making many things better. New work plans will be made, which will make you successful. This time will be full of bliss. Love and emotions will increase in your behavior. Being impressed by your disciplined behavior, your family will be happy with you. Praise by others makes you happy like a child, even though at times praise is unreasonable or false. Your finances are stable, and you won’t see too much fluctuation in money matters until the year’s end. Family members will give you a lot of happiness and your loved ones will give you plenty of support. You will make plans for some new work, which may become quite successful. The time is good for you to incorporate new business strategies and functioning in the work sphere. You should follow the dictum; slow and steady wins the race keeping faith in yourself. The year is also good for the working people. No matter in what field you work, support, praises and long awaited bliss will come your way. Natives who are preparing for competitive exams, government job etc, will gain success. Your energy levels will remain high. Fitness will hide your age. If your love life was going through a tough time already, things will start settling down gradually in this 2018. A solution may be found in matters related to ancestral property. This will be a very good year for love and romance. Health will be excellent for you. You are not likely to face any new major ailments.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming year has much excitement in store for you. There are chances that you may go on a pilgrimage. Your confidence will increase with the empowering of valor in you. You will invest more in luxuries and those who deeply understand you. Many good opportunities for making money may possibly reach you. Your financial situation will be strengthened and you will earn money through various mediums. If you invest intelligently, there are some good chances of making money. Luck will follow you in everything after October. If you are in politics, your glory will spread everywhere. You may get financial support from the side of your father. Some of you may get some unexpected wealth through inheritance gains. This will be a good period in which you will perform well and your performances will draw attention and applause from various corners. Your organized and analytical approach to life provides you with a strong sense of peace and stability. You will achieve great professional success during this year. There will be challenges to overcome, new lessons to learn and life issues to face head on, but with your optimistic nature and natural born leadership skills, you can take all of this in your stride. You are resourceful, quick witted, hardworking and persevering and have the ability to adapt yourself to any situation in last quarter of this year. However, for married couple this will be a year of great stability and happiness in marital life. Overall, it will be a year with slow and chequered progress. Traveling plans will bear fruit if efforts have been invested in the initial part of the year. If you are planning to invest your money somewhere, the second half of the year will be auspicious. The love life of some may take a beautiful turn all of a sudden in last five months.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

In 2018, time and patience will bring you interesting and wonderful rewards. There is no time for negativity: keep your eyes on the prize and your mind in a calm place, and you will get through the year in true fire sign style. Additionally, you will get many opportunities to improve your luck. It will be great if you can maintain some balance within your love life. You will get an opportunity to invest in the auspicious events at home and familial issues will also be resolved. There are indications of some real progress happening towards the middle of the year. In this year, you will have multiple opportunities to soften your critical side and give your beautiful self the chance to relax and enjoy the chaos. You will be able to make disciplined and determined efforts to achieve your goal. July onwards till November will be most favorable for your professional success, name and fame. Those who are looking for jobs and want to start a new career will get plenty of opportunities in the third quarter. You have a natural talent to acquire and absorb any new body of knowledge using your strong analytical power. You will have multifarious talents and natural skills to master any branch of science in the first six months. Your health remains good for most part of the year and you will be able to work efficiently and productively. Time will be challenging for those who are preparing for competitive exams and no shortcut will work. You will be able to make more money due to your own hard work. Benefits are possible through the share market and commission based dealing. You have the gift of making others feel loved and important. This talent will bring you many treasures in 2018. There are good chances of much happiness coming by way of progress of children in the first half of the year.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Relinquish your inclination to control and cling to your natural calm and patient nature throughout this year, and you will be more than happy with the new path that unfolds before your eyes. You need to make sure that you practice some kind of alternative healing technique to keep your mental and physical health in shape. This year, the results of exams in September will get you wonderful results. If you are single, you may find a new love. In case you are already in a relationship, it will become stronger. Mental strength and far-sightedness will remove any obstacles in your career and increase the possibilities of success. You are most suitable in sectors where you have to deal with real people and where you have the scope to make a real difference in the life of others.
You will generally enjoy good health and will rarely feel ill, even when you do, you will recover quickly and easily. You will carry on with whatever you are doing and you may achieve creative pleasure and self fulfillment during this year. The coming year will be good for your professional life. You will be able to give wings to your ambitions and also be able to expand your business. You can expect to gain a refreshing balance and harmony at home and at work, and a strengthening of your partnerships in both love and family throughout the year. Your career is about to reach a climax for the better, especially during the second half of the year. Students must be ready for the hard work coming their way during 2018. The year looks satisfactory for financial matters. Those who are into sales and marketing will be able to make good records by bringing in new customers. There will be a build-up of strength and stamina. There will also be an increase in your charm and charisma.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The year will bring you success in multiple ways, if you continue to harvest that famous positive attitude. Your familial life will be awesome this year. You will get the support of your siblings as well. There could be some problems arising in the first half of the year, but an experienced or resourceful person will be able to bail you out of trouble. Although you prefer success to come to you quickly, this year you will have to develop more patience than your red-hot spirit is used to handling. You can perform brilliantly and it ‘s what makes you lucky. Those who are pursuing higher education must work harder because the future looks fabulous for you. You have the power to shape your own fate, because you have to build it up with hard work. There will be some milestones achieved in education. There could also be the birth of a child or you may receive a good alliance for your progeny. This year particularly, the planetary signatures are such that you may experience the sweet fruits of success, a lucky period in fact which had started during last year. Your efforts made around income will show their colors. In addition to this, there are chances of financial benefits from abroad or long-distant places. This year is favorable for starting your own enterprise. There will be inclination on your part to start a venture. You are quick to grasp situations and gauge people. There are chances that you will spend more than what you will earn. Your interest will increase in auspicious deeds. Good opportunities for getting higher education will be received. If you are a student of research, good results can be expected. Your natural optimism has been a powerful force for you throughout your life and you should listen to your instincts wholeheartedly, and your life will improve dramatically.

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