Today’s Horoscopes Wednesday 9th September 2015

Though the Moon has moved into the radiant sign of Leo, the opposition between Jupiter and Neptune is starting to gain traction. Broadly, this is going to go on until the end of September, and can create distortions.

It's vital for us all to be conscious of the distortion to reality that this particular aspect can create. This can be especially so around hard and fast factual matters. Here it can be easy to think that things will turn out really well, that any optimism (Jupiter) can be misplaced. Financial affairs in particular need a great deal of care. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 9th September 2015 please read below… 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Venus in Leo and Mercury in Libra forge a really constructive link today, and with the Moon also entering the Lion, all this can bring out the most affectionate and self-confident part of your nature. If there is someone you like, this planetary aspect creates the perfect conditions to talk with them and perhaps also flirt too.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your flair can combine superbly well with practicality. If you are a natural maker, or enjoying always adding small but pleasing touches to your home, you really can work wonders. If you are currently decorating, this is a fine time to achieve some stunning results. Your palette choices can be very tasteful indeed, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It's true that your ruler remains in a heavyweight clash with the equally heavy vibes of Pluto. This can see you desirous of appreciation for the things you contribute. And if you are feeling frustrated by any lack of this, as Venus forges a more levitating angle, fall back on your quick wits and charm to make your points. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Things can make us happy from a material viewpoint, it's true, but equally some of the less tangible parts of life can create the greatest satisfaction. For example, sharing lunch with someone you're close to today, whilst taking the time to call a friend you've not spoken to for a while, can prove to be just as comforting.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With the Moon in your sign today, along with it's true, Venus and Mars, you can dazzle people with your natural vibrancy. Perhaps the trick around more practical matters, is to just not try to achieve too much. If you can pace yourself and control the heaven's current added electricity, you can ward off the potential for stress.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Compulsions can continue to be an issue for you this week because of the pressure the tiny but potent Pluto is putting on your ruler, Mercury and also the face-to-face between Jupiter and Neptune. Despite the push to respond to these, if you can create a more meditative moment or two, this is more likely to meet your deeper needs.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Mercury, in your sign Libra, is forging one superb link and another more challenging one. In terms of your personal or family life, someone's demands can close in upon you and seem oppressive. And yet as Venus angles in a more magical way, friends or group activities can provide a fantastic amount of compensation.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If there is an issue that's been festering within you, despite your natural inclination to keeping personal matters to yourself, this may prove more challenging now. However, if you do have an opportunity to share this in confidence with someone you truly trust, it could actually do you a tremendous amount of good, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As the Moon enters Leo, joining with Venus and Mars, that side of you which is often inquisitive about people and new situations can be aroused even more. But then, just as easily you can use this transit to try to refresh certain elements of your home, personal or domestic routines. Even different foods can spice things up!

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Pluto in your sign, in its angle to Mercury continues to be particularly influential this week. If you find your individual needs are compromised by the demands of more forceful types, this can really rankle. But equally, you need to be conscious of your own motives. But if you're astute, a business or financial issue can flow well.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Someone's reality can really vary from yours, and if you let their words or even their vibe get too much inside of your head, it could stop you from really flourishing on your own terms. Because this is a day that you can really connect brilliantly to the right people, so hold onto this and be determined not to be distracted.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Although the focus currently is more generally upon how you view, interact or relate to people, today's collection of Leo energy, asks you to pare everything down to a more tangible, even practical level. Think about what you can do to make your life run smoother or if you are hitched how you and yours can better help each other.