As Mars moves into Aquarius from today for a six week stay, our focus may shift towards group or community activities with our social life perhaps becoming busier.
While energy levels can be high we could find that pacing ourselves enables us to have fun and stay on top of our commitments too. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 9th November 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 9th November 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Today heralds a new phase that can perk up your social life and perhaps see you becoming more involved in community activities. You may be looking for more variety too, and this can apply to the company you keep as well as any groups you might be moved to join. Along with this, a subtle influence can see you relinquishing activities that no longer chime with you. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With a renewed focus on your sector of goals, an idea that has been on your mind may seek expression, bringing an opportunity to debut a plan to a superior or a friend with connections. This can be a time when you're fired up and ready to make a splash on the stage of life, no matter how big or small. Going ahead might inspire greater confidence for bigger projects.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While Mercury, the communication planet, in your work and lifestyle sector can see you digging deep to harness a mindset that helps increase productivity, another influence suggests the opposite. With the fiery energies of the red planet now journeying through your exploration zone, the idea of travel and of moving out of your comfort zone can also seem appealing.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It can be easy to find yourself caught up in pleasant daydreams or fantasies as the Moon merges with the dreamy energies of Neptune in your sector of faraway places. Perhaps thoughts of palm fringed beaches or a quiet weekend in a place of natural beauty can provide a real boost. The Sun in your leisure zone though, might influence you to make one such idea a reality.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You might prefer to stay out of the limelight for now Leo, and allow others to enjoy more hallowed attention. Along with this, fresh developments put the focus on your relationship sector for the coming six weeks, which hint at compromise and a willingness to fit in with others' plans. But this can also be an opportunity to speak out and clear the air where needed.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Maintaining detachment with someone you are close to can be difficult. This may be down to a lunar tie with the sensitive energies of Neptune in your relationship zone, suggesting you might soak up their feelings and lose touch with your own. Although another potent aspect implies you do know what to say, putting advice in a way they can relate to will require care.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A more dynamic phase begins as your sector of leisure and romance is ignited by stirring energies that can fire up your enthusiasm in both areas. This is not the time to hide your talents, but to show them off and put yourself forward in situations that can offer fresh opportunities. And should you feel any amorous stirrings, this is certainly a chance to indulge these too.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
New brooms may sweep clean as the motivational energies of Mars now enter your domestic sector for a six week visit. This is one house guest that can have you de-cluttering your hotspots and cleaning corners that may have been overlooked due to the busy pace of life. Your horoscope reveals that it's not all work, as it can be an opportunity to make sure you actively get the nurture you may need.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While a new focus can encourage you to discuss issues that may have been kept under wraps, a lunar connection in your family zone can have a more veiled quality. If you have something to share, you might feel the only way is by alluding to it or tip-toeing around the issue rather than coming out with it, even though to do so might be a relief for you and all involved.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Paring away unnecessary expenditure might leave you with more money in your pocket, if the energising influence in your financial zone has anything to do with it. You may approach this with a certain zeal that allows you to be more ruthless when it comes to eliminating items that may not be price worthy. If you do treat yourself Capricorn, enjoy it and don't feel guilty.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As the charismatic energy of Mars enters your sign from today for a six week visit, it can arrive accompanied by dreams you've connected with during quieter times. This focus can feel like a rebirth, if not today then over time, and you may feel an urge to focus on those projects and relationships that are deeply meaningful to you and the ideals you currently stand for.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A lunar connection between the Moon and the compassionate energies of Neptune in your sign can turn on your emotional sensors, opening you up to the thoughts and feelings of others. You may feel an urge to fit in with their plans and ideas even if it means relinquishing your own agenda. At the same time you can be idealistic, but try not to set expectations too high.