Today’s Horoscopes Wednesday 9th December 2015

Mercury moves into the businesslike location of Capricorn. Here he is more traditional and asks us to be aware of the way we interact in terms of our communication, and especially in more formal situations. 

Furthermore, Venus, itself newly located in Scorpio, is forging a lovely angle to Neptune. This can see us more self-sacrificing, giving, but perhaps a little too idealistic and especially in a romantic context, so having thought and talk Mercury in a more grounded, Earthy location can help to create a bit more reality. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 9th December 2015 please see below… 

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The desire to do your own thing could alienate you from others if you renege on promises or responsibilities. However, you may feel you have little choice if you feel you've reached the end of your tether and need some space. Nevertheless, if you can push on a while longer, solid progress can be made and goodwill maintained.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The challenging Mars Uranus opposition could disrupt your schedule and see you feel very on edge, even to the point of nervousness. This could be around a situation or emotion that is buried deep within you and you have been ignoring. Pleasingly as your ruler angles to Neptune, one conversation can prove really uplifting.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Is someone going to lengths to get you involved in a scheme of theirs? If so, they might step up their efforts to secure a positive response from you over the coming days. If so, don't hold back from asking a few questions and doing your own research. The more you know, the better. Social arrangements can prove fluid. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With all the tension going on around you this week, you might feel the need to confide and get some reassurance. However, don't be too open to the wrong people. The needs of a youngster or conversely an older person may be running in stark contrast. Even if you feel exasperated, a loving, kindly approach will work best.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Any desire to rebel needs care – especially as you'll probably still have a hefty to-do list to tackle even if you do make a stand. Rather than heading for the metaphorical hills, stay nimble in your responses and see that everyone is rather on edge, and engaging a much loved home past time can prove the perfect therapy.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Jupiter's continuing presence in your sign might kid you into a kind of invincibility. However, this week it certainly is unlikely to be the case, as latent tensions could see you more easily distracted and achieving less than you hope. Fortunately, another really sweet influence suggests a heart warming conversation can shift the focus.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You can continue to be in a rather feisty mood, one which could catch certain people out if they're used to you being more accommodating. However, your sense of what is right and fair is currently accentuated, so you'll be more likely to voice your feelings if something upsets you. Just don't rush to judgement in the first place.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If a situation is proving difficult to resolve, it may be because your thinking is rather entrenched. If so this can make it difficult to view life from other perspectives. The tension is unlikely to diminish soon but what you can do is change your relationship to it. Watch defensiveness. Determine not to be too defensive, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

After last week's enervating vibes this one has seen you keener to stress your more freedom loving credentials. If you are solo, one intriguing development is the seductive link between Venus and Neptune which can steer your thoughts and feelings in other more beguiling directions and perhaps surprisingly, towards a past tie.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

An electric set of energies in the heavens this week, is not at an end. This has given you the opportunity to be much more assertive, and perhaps even take on more responsibilities. But if you are keen to succeed don't compromise your need for personal space. One friendship can also now become so much more important to you.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Thinking out of the box may be one way to resolve a situation that seems to have come to a standstill. The innovative Sun Uranus tie can be an invitation to explore other options that may seem novel, yet could prove effective. What's lovely though, is that you can receive a warm message from someone showing their appreciation.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If someone in your life is going through a tough time, you may step into the role of comforter and soother. Equally, you may find yourself absolutely captivated by someone's rather magnetic persona. A crush is possible, but there is a very real chance that a physical attraction can work together with a more spiritual one.