As messenger Mercury squares-off with red-hot Mars the coming days can find us attempting to resolve a conflict.
We may be in a touchy or irritable mood and liable to make mistakes or to be too impulsive when faced with key decisions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 8th July 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 8th July 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The presence of homely and familiar surroundings could lull you into a false sense of security, and cause you to hold back from taking on a challenge. If you are willing to push a little harder and be more proactive, you could surprise yourself with all that you are able to accomplish. Making a start might find you tapping into your natural Aries dynamism, and the rest can be easy.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Sacrificing your time to help others is fine, and can give you a temporary boost, but it could be difficult to keep up if you have your own plans to attend to. Don't want to upset anyone? An edgy influence suggests that you may have to if urgent tasks are left undone. Just be honest and put this as gently as you can. Negotiate what works for all concerned Taurus, and stick with this.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A falling out might influence you in a deeply personal way, even if it has nothing to do with you. The coming days might find you involved in other people's dramas, which could be a waste of valuable time. Tune into your deeper feelings though, and you may realize your focus on such issues has been a way to avoid challenges that you might prefer not to have to tackle for now.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Although you can be ambitious, you might worry that you don't have what it takes to fulfil a personal goal. This likely has nothing to do with your sterling skills and talents, and perhaps more to do with a slight dip in confidence. Why might this be Cancer? With Mercury rewinding in your sign and angling towards Mars, you could doubt your abilities when there really is no need.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You can be good at organizing other people's lives, but there are times when you might get behind with your own affairs, and the coming days could be one of those. If you are juggling various tasks you may need to step up your output for a short while, so you can get ahead and have time for other things. It won't be forever, and it could relieve a burden and leave you freer.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Should you do something nice for others or channel your energy into an outing, creative project or a romantic date. You might feel a tad guilty for putting yourself first, and if truth be told this may not be your obvious choice, as there is a side of you that might prefer to keep other people happy. But it can be so very energizing to indulge a hobby or take time out for pure pleasure.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you are depending on another to help you get something done, they may not seem to co-operate as much as you would like Libra. But it might not be their attitude as much as not being given clear instructions. In which case, there is not a lot they can do. If you need to work with someone, then it helps to make your requests crystal clear, so they can be super-efficient.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A book or article could be the inspiration you need to make a change to your lifestyle or wellness habits. It may not be a very big change at this stage, as you might want to experiment with this idea or approach, and see how it works for you. Ready to be feel good in yourself? Your horoscope suggests that taking this on board can lead to a gradual improvement as well as a sense of empowerment.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Wondering about your feelings for someone? With Mercury in an intense zone slowing prior to turning direct over the weekend, you may be overthinking a developing bond. Perhaps you know deep down how things are going, but for certain reasons might not want to admit to it. Bide your time Archer and go with the flow, and soon enough you will know exactly what to do next.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Is someone giving you mixed messages? An awkward tie between Mercury in reverse and feisty Mars, suggests you may be getting frustrated. Don't expect things to improve just yet Capricorn, but as next week unfolds, they can. This person might need more time to come to a decision and you could find this hard to deal with if you are waiting on them. Soon it will all become clear.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may be torn between dealing with your daily tasks, with which you might already be behind, or connecting with friends, going on a day trip or looking into new opportunities. Do what you can to get things completed, but if you are facing obstacles don't worry Aquarius, as you'll soon make progress. Besides, it might do you good to get out and connect with some good friends.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Sun's presence in your sector of relaxation, can find you tempted to indulge in those hobbies and activities you enjoy the most. It seems you are demand though Pisces, and may already have commitments to the various groups or projects you are a part of. Because of this, you might feel pulled in two directions at times. Over coming days, consider investing in yourself as well.