Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Today’s Horoscopes Wednesday 8th July 2015

A week, indeed, potentially a month of tensions continue with the Quarter Moon in Aries squaring up to the Sun in Cancer. This forges a T Square, briefly, but telling with Pluto too, so with all three locations determined and powerful Cardinal signs, electricity can crackle in situations where there is a lack of harmony or conflict between what people want.

If you encounter someone unyeilding, bossy, controlling or even over forceful, a delicate response may take the sting out of things, but equally, rash actions can go against our true needs. The push pull being played out between the EU and Greece, is a classic example of these pulsating energies. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 8th July 2015 please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This seems to be a time when you're needing to juggle your time, energy and resources. And there may be moments particularly today, when you can really wonder if all you're doing is in vain – at least in terms of your own personal needs. Certainly others are unlikely to hold back from letting you know what they expect.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Okay, it may be necessary to make a stand, but what could prove totally embarrassing is if you do so and then you find that the information you base your position upon is actually wrong or faulty. Your subconscious can also be very strong, so either way, try to step back. Check facts, and be more logical in your approach.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Today is the last day that your ruler Mercury will be in your sign this year. You can try to use it to get busy around any issue which requires concentration and flair in equal proportions. But with such a focus on your financial sector at the moment, the Quarter Moon hints that grappling with your resources may prove shrewd.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your resolve may be tested today, but then this may have felt something of a pattern of late. Try not to take this personally or see yourself as being victimised. The reality is that this is a month which you can shine, but also can require you to assert what's truly important to you. And your willpower is going to be key to this.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Today's Quarter Moon occurs in your sister fire sign of Aries. The suggestion here is that something you would ordinarily shrug off, could have a tendency to creep under your defences more than it usually might. With Mercury in its most logical zone for one last day, do be determined to keep a sense of perspective, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Someone may believe that they have a sense of ownership over something that you're involved with, where you see it as more of a free exchange of friendship or affection. Then again, this may be playing out in reverse. Whilst such politics may be unpalatable, it probably will be hard to disguise how you really feel.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You have a real gift for presenting yourself in a way which makes people receptive to what you have to say. But an awkward right angle between the Sun and the Moon may actually see someone decipher your natural diplomacy as being a veneer of insincerity, even if this is not what you mean. Don't try too hard, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The force has certainly been with you this week Scorpio but the trick is going to be in focusing your energies on the things that are really meaningful and important to you. To this end you may find yourself juggling your priorities. Some basic commitments may need to be fulfilled, but freedom calls out strongly too today.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There could be somebody who is really making your heart beat that much faster. However you're drawn to them magnetically, if it is in a romantic context, it would be advisable to have realistic expectations about the things you share in common and how you can bond together, otherwise you may be left crestfallen.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Today's Quarter Moon, suggests somebody around you could be feeling particularly sensitive or on edge. Then again, there may be two loved ones or people you find yourself caught in between, who are getting on less amiably. Either way, the chances are, extra care will be needed around your closest involvements today Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You can find yourself with an excess of nervous energy. Try to pace yourself or you may end the day feeling really wrung out with tension. If possible just do one or two tasks really well. If you find yourself trying to please too many people or spin too many plates, not only will it prove stressful, you'll likely achieve less.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The desire side of your nature is really being emphasised at this time by some very strident planetary influences. Any kind of financial limitation may make you feel a little bit gloomy, and see you do something rebellious in return. However, even if you do have the resources, this is a day to try to be careful with expenditure.