Today's Quarter Moon in Libra makes this a good time to get some feedback on a domestic issue or key project.
If you've reached the first milestone, then a chat with family or friends can confirm what you've been feeling all along. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 6th July 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 6th July 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Been busy, Aries? With a focus on a quiet zone, it may be time to take well-deserved break. If you feel in the mood, you might enjoy reading an inspiring book that can help you succeed in the world, or getting to grips with a movie of your choice. But with social options certainly looking bright, this could be an opportunity to recharge before connecting with friends for a fun event.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Can you afford to take things a little easier today? If so, the current star map suggests avoiding over-planning. You may want to forgo tried and trusted options, and see where life takes you. The Moon/Jupiter alignment, suggests that something might occur out of the blue that you hadn't anticipated. It could be an offer, an encounter, or an opportunity that truly lifts your spirits.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Friends can be a mine of information and bright ideas, so it's just as well to keep in touch, as you never know what might come up. Even so, the Moon/Jupiter face-off, suggests a compulsive desire to talk about an issue that fascinates you. Any feedback could be enlightening. Something you discover may shift your perspective, and give you a strong desire to take this further.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Mercury is well-placed in your sign, giving you the edge when it comes to selling ideas and connecting with key people. And a positive link with Mars in your friendship zone, may encourage you to pool resources and ideas regarding a plan that's in the discussion stage. Mind, if there's a romance on the cards, you might prefer to keep things quiet. There's no rush, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Today's lively lunar tie encourages you to go with your gut, as there are times when taking the initiative and doing something on the spur of the moment, can be beneficial. If someone offers you an opportunity that could further your plans and that may not be around for long, then consider going for it, Leo. You are geared towards success, and this opportunity might be key.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Mercury makes a lingering tie with assertive Mars, someone's suggestion can inspire you to enjoy a new experience. You're in the mood for something new, whether this means travelling, studying a topic that fascinates you or anything else. This would also be an ideal time for a quick getaway, and a chance to see another side of life. If you have the time and money, why not Virgo!
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You'll feel more adventurous when it comes to romance, and may be ready to connect with someone who enjoys the same things as you. Even so, your horoscope suggests it's best not to be in too much of a hurry to get a relationship off the ground. When you've met the right person, you'll know it, and there'll be no denying it. Today's Moon/Jupiter opposition looks good for a fun social and a good laugh.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With the Sun and Mercury in fellow water-sign Cancer, you may be dreaming about an exotic vacation, Scorpio. But the Mercury/Mars links suggest that this will have to be a mutual decision, and you might need to come to a compromise. Someone has their own thoughts of how they'd like to spend any leisure time, and you'll need to incorporate their ideas into your holiday plans.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With a buoyant blend of energies in your solar chart, you could get swept up in a whirl of social activities. And arranging something or accepting an invite, may be something you would truly enjoy. Solo? A spirited encounter might inspire you to see more of someone, Archer. They can be attractive in a very unique way, and this could be why you feel so happy in their company.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It's unlikely that you'll be indifferent to an encounter, as you might immediately sense there is chemistry between you. A spark of recognition can encourage you to connect, even if you have different ideas and values. And although you may challenge each other, this could be a positive. Whether this relates to a new friendship or budding romance, it might leave you happier.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
An uplifting alignment between the Moon and Jupiter, can spark an encounter that sizzles with promise. This meeting could lead to a new friendship or to this person becoming a romantic interest. While a supportive bond might quickly develop, it will need constant attention to truly blossom, Aquarius. It may be rather on and off, unless you make the effort to stay in touch.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Mercury in Cancer will make it easy to ask for what you want. But because it forges a link to Mars in Taurus, you'll be more insistent and determined to get it, which could be a sticking point. It's best to throw your suggestion out there, without taking anything for granted, and let family or friends share their feedback. With discussion and compromise, you'll still do very well.