The Moon in Pisces aligns with warrior Mars in Cancer, enabling us to tap into an inner source of strength and resilience that can help us through the day.
We may have more confidence and courage than usual making it easier to assert ourselves in key situations. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 5th May 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 5th May 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Moon in gentle Pisces and its alignment to Mars in Cancer, can find you in a sensitive and compassionate mood, Aries. Your focus may be on very personal matters and on emotional issues that have recently cropped up. If you would prefer to simplify your schedule, then do so, as you might want to reflect deeply on a matter or engage in a discussion that could prove healing.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Whatever is on your mind, write it down Taurus. Getting it out of your head and on paper can clarify your emotions, and might even help you come up with a solution. If you get a brilliant idea or the first line of your book pops into your head, again write it down. Your horoscope reveals conversation could bring out the best in you and another, encouraging you to share new and exciting discoveries.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With Mars continuing its journey through your financial sector, you may have been busy getting things in order and finding ways to cut back and save money. But with the Moon forging a positive tie, look out for an opportunity that could enhance your income. What starts small might grow into something long-term that leaves you more secure Gemini, and a lot happier too.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Have a need for new experiences and opportunities that will encourage growth and learning? With the red planet stirring up your sign, you'll be ready for a challenge that could be testing but enjoyable too. Today's lively lunar ties can inspire you to trust your feelings if they tell you the time is ripe. Don't delay Cancer, as what you stand to gain might be really quite priceless.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may sense the benefits of pooling resources to accomplish a joint goal. And you might also realize just how much you need others, and how much they need you in terms of offering and receiving emotional support. This can apply in a financial sense too, as a brainwave could inspire you to team up with another by sharing the cost of a novel idea that gets you both noticed.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your social life is sizzling with promise, so you may find you are more proactive about networking and joining useful groups. You might also note that the best way to accomplish something is to work as part of a team, even if this means being a leader and organizer. Enthusiastic about sharing ideas and experiences that can empower others? Go for it, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may have more responsibility to handle, or you might choose to take on extra tasks, as Mars continues in your sector of ambition. The coming weeks can be an opportunity to reflect on your priorities, and to harness your energy and skills to help you accomplish an important goal, Libra. Today's emotional lunar tie could give you the incentive to follow your intuition unwaveringly.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A gentle focus on your leisure sector could see you tapping into your creative side, and enjoying the chance to indulge a hobby or learn an artistic skill. It is also possible that a romantic bond can step up a notch, which might lead to a deepening of a relationship. Want to break the ice regarding a love interest? A zesty tie may find you taking an unusual but effective approach.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you've been thinking about making improvements to your home, then the coming day or so can see you putting energy into enhancing the atmosphere by decluttering, decorating and other similar tasks. At the same time, deeper emotions may be stirred relating to family matters, and this could be an opportunity to gently process through them and begin to resolve them, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Does someone need a shoulder to cry on? You may be the one for the job, as today's caring Moon/Mars aspect could inspire you to sit down with this person and listen. You won't need to say very much, as just being able to let it all out might be healing in itself. Have a plan? Be willing to let another join in, as they may be very enterprising and make quite a contribution.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
This can be a time of new opportunities and changes that could impact your life in many ways. Yet you might have a powerful loyalty to beliefs or a cause that prevents you from making the most of what is on offer. What would happen if you let go of something that isn't in your best interests? Think on this today, as you may then have more time for an opportunity that's worthwhile.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon in your sign forging a harmonious angle with Mars in a dynamic zone, it's time to set your creative side free, Pisces. Have a desire to make something beautiful? Channel your imaginative ideas into an item you can use or wear. Eager to get to know someone you are fascinated by? You'll have the knack of making them feel at ease in no time at all, Pisces.