Horoscopes Wednesday 3rd May 2017

Mercury pushes forward today after its retrograde phase, which can mean that any hitches and delays begin to melt away.

Even so, it is just as well to be vigilant for the coming two weeks or so as Mercury's tie with Uranus can incline us to make impulsive choices. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 3rd May 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 3rd May 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may be at a critical point regarding a plan and ready to consider whether it is worth your while to continue on or to down tools and turn your attention elsewhere. While it can seem that a move now is needed, waiting may prove the better option. Information that comes your way over the next week or so could encourage you further and help you to finally settle on a firmer course. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

While you may be happy to follow a course of action, explaining your ideas to close ones could result in them wanting to get involved and perhaps take more control. Should this not be what you want, you'll need to be honest and let them know this is personal to you. Mind, this may be one of those situations where if you just keep things open, it will allow you to flex as needed.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Mercury, your ruling planet, changes direction and begins to forge ahead over coming days. And as it is presently situated in your social sector and aligned with Saturn and Uranus, this influence could coincide with a project that might now come into its own. If you have been waiting for the approval or agreement of certain others so as to make a start, then take-off can be imminent.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As the Moon makes a tense angle with the Sun in your social sector, you may wonder about a certain friendship and whether it really is right for you. If you have different values and opinions you may decide a little bit of distance may prove helpful. But consider giving it a little more time, as once over this initial hurdle you could find that you warm to each other a lot more, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A Quarter Moon in your sign can be a call to take stock of progress regarding a path you are committed to. Although it likely seemed a good idea at the time, you might wonder about the wisdom of continuing on. But with key influences indicating a turning point, this can be the ideal time to make any key adjustments or get advice, as doing so could make all the difference.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A hope could become a reality, if you are willing to edge out of your comfort zone to make it happen.Your horoscope suggests this is where you might need to take a leap of faith and it could seem like a step too far. It may be that you are focused on an obstacle and this makes it seem bigger than it really is. But by gently facing up to it you may realize that you are more than equipped to deal with it.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Mercury, the planet of communication, begins to change direction in your relationship zone, it could coincide with a process of reconciliation. If recent weeks have amplified a misunderstanding, then the coming week or so might help resolve this. In the process one or two truths may be told, but you could feel better for knowing and so feel more trusting of this person.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The coming days could bring unexpected events that might alter your schedule. You may have to snap to in order deal with issues that just don't happen that often. However, as frustrating as this might be, you could learn something that might make daily life easier all round. A Moon tie can see you keen to shower praise on someone if they have given you excellent advice.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may begin to notice a change over coming days, as any delays or misunderstandings can give way to smoother times ahead. Nevertheless, it might help to be a bit cautious when making key decisions, especially those linked to a friendship or even a budding romance. With Mercury moving slowly yet poised to forge ahead from today, there's still the chance of mixed messages.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With a potent lunar phase on the astral cards, you may be faced with the decision as to whether to keep quiet about something that is important to you or whether to speak out. However, you could find that sharing takes a lot of pressure off you and that you feel so much better for doing so. If this relates to key emotions you may find that others are appreciative of your openness.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

It may be time for a gear change today, especially if you are undecided about how to organize a domestic project or family event. It is possible that a compromise may be needed, and it is this that might require some discussion. Even so, there are opportunities for brilliant ideas to show up and these could have a bearing on your plans if they can be tailored to everyone's needs.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

While it is all well and good having ideas, at some point they need to be put into action, and it is this that could cause a degree of conflict over the next day or so. Something that seemed perfectly good in theory may need to be modified if you're going to make it work. This might mean giving up one or two cherished options for those that may be more practical, Pisces.