FREE Daily Horoscopes Wednesday 3rd June 2015

We all have a finite amount of energy, and the Sagittarius Full Moon has heightened our desire to exchange ideas, travel, learn new skills and connect with educational establishments or research ideas. However, if we over load ourselves with too many demands, it may be a case of diminishing returns.

This Full Moon also squares up with the dreamy and potentially deceptive energies of Neptune. So information and reality can quite easily become distorted. If you are involved in any kind of legal tangle, or setting up a deal or contract extreme care will be needed. Whilst some honest exchanges are entirely possible if our own facts and figures are less than accurate, this can be an issue either way. Join me for your FREE Daily Horoscopes Wednesday 3rd June 2015, below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The potency of the Full Moon is still very much to the fore. This occurs in the area concerned with expansion. However, a clustering of other influences is still urging you to be bold and brave in your approach, but tactics are going to be crucial. And even around these, it is going to be important to focus on the details.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A friend may prove unreliable, or there can be gossip circulating a group of people you know. You could be better to focus on your own needs, for when it comes to your finances you might need to grapple with the nitty-gritty of an issue, by taking firm charge. If you do, you can achieve something really constructive.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Don't look for approval Gemini, for you're unlikely to receive it. If you've got a clear idea in your mind about what you want to achieve you may just have to accept that not everybody will be in tune with what you want to do. Although this may disappoint them, it can give you a real sense of purposefulness and self respect.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Something you are reluctant to look at may be better faced head-on. For once you do, rather than letting the energy control you, you can at least satisfy yourself that you are not avoiding a reality or prevaricating unnecessarily. It could be that someone is disappointing you, but accept this and the sooner you can move on.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Use today to continue to try to find ways to add extra sparkle to your social aspirations. If need be, pick up the phone and look to instigate things with friends. A trip to see a movie, a band or have a meal can prove perfect. However, your longer term aspirations are also being urged on by the joint energies of Jupiter and Mars.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Continue to be mindful that everything we do is ultimately judged by our peers, colleagues, friends and family. With Mercury continuing to rewind and repeating its muddled connection to Neptune, the more you can apply your penchant for detail and clarity, the more you can protect your personal image, and standing.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Don't let your more adventurous side be foiled, perhaps because it's easier to justify to yourself what you should "really be doing". Embrace life's mysteries. You will find it far more absorbing than getting stuck with any sense of guilt or obligation. True, you may have to extricate yourself gracefully, but you can Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

How up to date is your computer's security? We live in a world where information has become an ever more precious commodity, don't let any part of yours be breached by an unscrupulous scam. If you don't recognise a telephone caller or an email, have no truck with them or it whatsoever. Play ultra safe, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The fallout from yesterday's Full Moon in your sign is not at an end, and the area that may be consuming you could be around your closest personal involvements. Avoid at all costs a "right is might attitude", as a misunderstanding may be a factor. Yet an upbeat, breezy, competitive or sporty friendship, could flourish now.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

How much crunch and freshness does your diet contain? If you are falling back onto low quality comfort foods rather too much, this would be a fine time to really examine the amount of vitamins and minerals that you are consuming. Perhaps you might even consider using or buying a groovy device to juice vegetables yourself.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There's plenty of possibilities for you at this time, whether it's to do with the company you keep or the ideas that you're excited by. But whichever, you do need your imagination to be aroused. If things are too mundane, predictable, or lack a sense of freshness and vitality you may have to take some bold decisions, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Property, be it buying or selling, renting or letting, can be a fraught process. And there are a number of issues at the moment which suggest that you need to be exceptionally cautious in your approach should you be involved in any of this yourself. Ironically, it remains a time when you can be productive on a DIY project.