Horoscopes Wednesday 3rd February 2016

The Moon in Sagittarius passes over Saturn. Home conditions, and particularly if they are restrictive around physical space or because of someone's overbearing personality can seem hard going. 

This influence can also see some frank exchanges. Sagittarius people can often "tell it how it is" but such an exchange can happen between people who are not Sagittarius today. Spontanaous spending should also be resisted. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 3rd February 2016 please see below..

Horoscopes Wednesday 3rd February 2016 

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your integrity may be put to the test today Aries. Don't take it personally if this happens. Regarding joint finances, shared resources and responsibility, you may need to be completely transparent about your intentions. Doing so will not only make a good impression, but the trust it builds can reward you with even more opportunities in the future.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Today's Moon Saturn tie in a very sensitive zone of your chart, suggests you might find yourself feeling a bit uptight, but not want to show it. If this involves a personal relationship, consider letting this go, frustrating though this may be. Indeed, giving someone close the benefit of the doubt can ease tensions, especially as they may be blissfully unaware. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The ongoing link between Mars and Pluto suggests you could feel quite intense about an issue, and keen to do something about it. In this instance though Gemini, it may be better to make your point quietly and unassumingly. Although powerful emotions can be persuasive, if you can, blend these with your natural capacity to rationalise issues.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, the answer may be to involve yourself with activities that require the use of your mind as well as your body. If recently you've felt too preoccupied to exercise very much, then even a few minutes walking or flexing can help you feel more focused. If some particularly emotional issues have been churning away, even more so.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Though you may be determined to stick with a regime or routine, there's a possibility your willpower could crumble today. Although the current Mars Pluto angle suggests you'll persist no matter what, as the Moon and Neptune bind together, a moment of weakness may be all it takes to affect your self-control. Can you override this temptation, Leo?

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

One thing you can be very conscious of and keen to manage is your time. However, during this week you may feel as though you're running to stand still, and that you'll never complete your to-do list. Is it really that important, though? If you can stand back from a project you're intensely involved with, you could realize it's better to do it well than to do it quickly.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Tempting though it might be to relax your grip on your spending and enjoy a few treats, think very carefully before doing so. If you over-extend yourself during this or coming weeks then it could take some time for you to get back on track. Instead, if you can look to ways in which you can turn a home hobby into something more entrepreneurial.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The more you try to satisfy your own needs, the more others might insist that you take care of theirs first of all. And with Venus edging closer to Pluto someone you know could prove surprisingly crafty when it comes to getting what they want. The best way to see this however, is by drawing a firm line and then moving the moment onto something different.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Though the advice you receive from a friend can seem perfectly geared to your situation, deep-down you may sense that what they say doesn't quite chime right. If this is so, then discard what they say and pay attention to how you really feel. You may question yourself, but your hunch is far more likely to be in tune with what you really need, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Though you might need to liaise with others on a project or on the organization of a social event, they may have different values or beliefs to you. However, you don't have to support them in order to be able to work as a team. The present planetary backdrop suggests that a variety of perspectives could actually be beneficial to what you and they are doing.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As an Aquarius you sometimes ponder how the world might be a better place. Even so, the on-going focus on a more secluded part of your chart suggests that before you do so, it might be wise to change yourself. Deeper processes seem to be at work, encouraging you to let go of emotional baggage and embrace ways of being that can truly inspire.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Though you may be tempted to daydream, due to the Moon's link with Neptune and the Sun's position in the spiritual sector of your solar horoscope, rest assured that you won't be allowed to for long. Friends may demand your time and attention or if you're at work you could find that a boss or a colleague is keen for you to be as productive as possible and listen up.