Expressive Mercury moves into Sagittarius from today and will remain here for longer than usual as it will turn retrograde in this sign next month.
For now though we may entertain some big ideas and enjoy travel and study. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 31st October 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 31st October 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Planetary shifts from today suggest that the mood can become lighter and brighter after a time of intense emotions. With expressive Mercury moving into adventure-seeking Sagittarius, your quest for something different, such as a trip or life-enhancing opportunity gets underway. A desire to experience out-of-the-ordinary ideas and places can inspire you to consider your options. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Do you or another have hidden agendas? A discussion could fail to reach a solution if you're both keeping things to yourselves. Would it be so bad if you opened up? With tactful Venus moving back into Libra from today, your focus can shift to how you might create a workable compromise. The Quarter Moon though, suggests that even a little openness can change everything for the better.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As lively Mercury, your guide, moves into Sagittarius, it forges an edgy angle with restless Uranus, suggesting that an idea, if acted upon, could set the forces of destiny in motion. Therefore, before you begin anything, think carefully of the consequences. Also, sweet Venus moves back into your leisure and romance zone, and an old friend or flame could make a reappearance.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Today's Quarter Moon in your sector of values, could be the push you need to make a key decision. It might involve whether to invest further time and money into a recreational hobby or enjoyable creative project. If things have gone well up until now, this can be a turning point that might inspire you to commit further, as doing so can be beneficial for mind, body and spirit.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A powerful lunation in your sign, can bring intense feelings to the surface and may leave you wondering what you should do next. If you can talk about this to the person involved, that would be helpful, as it may be all that's required. If not Leo, just let it go and turn your attention elsewhere. On another note, your horoscope reveals that something said a while back could take on a new significance.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Inquisitive Mercury, your ruler, moves into your home zone from today, which can see you taking a step back and reconsidering aspects of your life from a more personal perspective. It also ties with unpredictable Uranus in your sector of far horizons, so whatever you plan now could fire up your imagination and perhaps see you travelling or seeking new diversions Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Should you follow a more independent path or tow the family line? The coming days could see you weighing your options concerning a plan that could set you apart from those you are closest to. This could be a turning point for you though Libra, as this and another key influence could signal that you have your own life to live and can't always be where others want you to be.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you find yourself vying for an opportunity, job or a career related move, it could result in some tension over coming days. The temptation to push forward could be a strong one and might lead to some competition and perhaps additional stress. While vying for top spot isn't necessarily a bad thing, a congenial approach can see everything falling into place without so much angst.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
An edgy alignment could see you assessing a new friendship or romantic bond and deciding where to take it from here. This connection may have started on a lively and sociable note, but can it sustain a move into deeper emotional waters? Perhaps only time will tell. As talk and thought Mercury enters your sign, it can see you welcoming new ideas and fresh opportunities.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Diplomatic Venus's move back into the most prominent of chart sectors, suggests that you may need to renegotiate the terms of a deal, contract or other arrangement. This might not be such a bad thing though, as it is possible that on review your circumstances might have changed, and so might those of others involved. A chance to discuss such matters in more detail could be golden.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A potent influence suggests that you might not want to let anyone down, and yet trying to keep everyone happy can be just too tiring. Such feelings can encourage you to create healthier boundaries by saying no and meaning it. In addition, your social life may show more sparkle as convivial Mercury moves in from today. Someone could unexpectedly show up for a visit.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Today's Quarter Moon in Leo, suggests that you may have reached a critical stage regarding a situation, and that it may be time to make a few key decisions. If things have gone well so far, then it may be just a matter of tying up any loose ends. If not, then cost could be a further consideration and might define whether you continue as you are or lower your expectations.