Talkative Mercury merges with sweet Venus in Scorpio as Mercury slows prior to turning retrograde tomorrow.
This pairing can see us reuniting with someone we haven't seen in a while with the resulting conversations bringing us closer. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 30th October 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 30th October 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you have wondered why your hopes of attaining a dream or plan have not come to fruition, it could be because the memories of a past experience have held you back. If you have reached this line a number of times and yet been hesitant to cross it, something can shift over coming days. A combination of frustration and a desire for something better can be just the catalyst you need.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may find it easier to see the good in others, even if you've had differences. You'll also relish reconnecting with those you haven't seen in a while. The coming day or so could make you aware of just how caring and supportive someone may have been, prompting you to show your appreciation. And by way of saying thanks, this friend may be eager to reciprocate Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A developing angle between Mars and Pluto in a sensitive sector, can be a call to resolve an edgy situation. If it's preventing you from connecting in a positive way with another, then it may be time to let it go, no matter how justified you feel. Reaching out and talking things over is worth the effort. Plus, a communicative Venus/Mercury influence can make doing so easier.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your confidence in yourself and your enterprising nature could be higher than ever, and can push you to have a go at something that may have seemed difficult only a short while ago. It could be down to a compliment from someone that you decide to take things further. Take a step back first of all though, as with some planning and a sound strategy, you can do very well Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Your ability to charm can see you making progress in matters that require the assistance of key people. Don't try to force the pace Leo, as this might have the opposite effect and you may not get anywhere. The developing angle between Mars and Pluto, might make things more urgent and your request could seem too pushy. You can get what you want, but in a more roundabout way.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may feel that it is worth putting every ounce of effort into an opportunity that can seem too good to be true. Despite your enthusiasm, you might over think this, making it more complicated than it needs to be Virgo. A focused yet easy-going approach devoid of tension could allow everything to fall into place, and make the whole process enjoyable rather than a struggle.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You might hesitate to discuss a family matter if it involves revealing rather sensitive emotions. Yet an awkward Mars/Saturn/Pluto connection can see feelings reach a peak, and you might be keen to relieve the tension. The way you go about this can make a difference though. Your priorities may be different from theirs, and taking this into account can help you find the best solution for all.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A relationship may cause you to feel unsettled, unless you can do something about it. But with thoughtful Mercury about to rewind from tomorrow and another emotional aspect showing up, it would be no surprise if feelings are fairly intense. Talking it over is the key though, as your horoscope reveals that with Mercury and Venus merging, your willingness to take the initiative could be a game-changer.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With articulate Mercury rewinding from tomorrow in a more sheltered zone, you may wonder where you're at with a friendship. If this person has tended to blow both hot and cold, you have a right to know what is going on, especially if it affects you. The truth is that they may not know why they are behaving this way either. Some leeway might help them settle and find their balance.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You are usually canny enough to know if someone wants something from you, as they may go to great lengths to be extra charming. And in some ways, this might give you an advantage if you know what they are after. You could pretend you don't, but being honest about this can allow you to get a much better deal. After all, there is little point in doing something for nothing Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The coming weeks can help you to clarify an opportunity that might involve a bold step forward. What would it mean if you had a go and succeeded? You don't have to make a decision just yet Aquarius. But allow yourself to imagine what it may be like to get there and to feel good about your accomplishments. Setting an intention in this regard might be enough to set forces in motion.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone can bolster your confidence to the extent that you feel much more positive and willing to try new things. It may be a friend, life-coach or teacher, that knows exactly what to say to spur you on. If you feel that you have not made the most of your potential, then you can feel greatly inspired by their words. And if what they say is true, how much might you accomplish Pisces?