Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Wednesday 30th May 2018

Eloquent Mercury moved into Gemini yesterday where it is very much at home, so we may find our natural curiosity increases over coming weeks.

We may be more eager to learn new things and to connect with people of interest. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 30th May 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 30th May 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With a lively focus on social affairs, the weeks ahead can be perfect for getting out and about and generally enjoying life. And if you need useful connections, these can more easily emerge. Aside from this, there is a beautiful blend of energies developing over coming days that can influence feelings in a positive and spiritual way, and that might also encourage a romantic tryst. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With Mars continuing to move through your sector of goals and ambitions, you might feel you can take on the world and that you have an excellent chance of success. Your competitive side can be spurred into action too, and this can incline you to try harder. It would likely do you no harm to take an inventory of your skills, as using them in a new context could be lucrative.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With the Sun and expressive Mercury in your sign, it can be easy to start things, especially when your interest is piqued. Finishing them though, can be quite another matter. The coming weeks could leave you with projects that are begun with great enthusiasm yet that tail off into nothing. Reserving your energy for something you're truly passionate about can focus your mind.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Factors you may have been unaware of, that were hidden from view, can make the coming weeks a time of surprises. Key events might lead to a need to make certain changes, and it is this that could be a sticking point. If you are open to things being different and embrace this positively then what happens can be truly liberating. You could also resist, but it may prove futile.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Although you may have a busy social schedule, the Moon's link to nebulous Neptune, can muddle your perception of events and people. It is just a temporary aspect, but it might be the reason that you can't think as clearly as usual and that you could get hooked into a conversation or even make a promise to someone that you might regret later. Go easy Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A very convivial blend of energies can see you doing something for another out of the generosity of your heart. Be assured that even though you might not expect anything in return, you will likely get it. And when it arrives, it can seem that the person in question really understands you and knows your secret needs. Furthermore, your horoscope suggests they could become a supportive friend over time.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may have so many options and choices that you might not know where to begin as various ideas, plans and bits of information could seem to call out to you. If you can't decide, then start with whatever is to hand and go with the flow. You may find over the days and weeks ahead that you have latched onto something that proves to be of lasting interest and that fuels your passion.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you share the wisdom you have gained during your life with someone who may need help, then it can strike a chord and prove very reassuring to them. A positive blend of energies hints that your take on this matter can give them a perspective they had not considered, and it is this that could prove so very valuable. The coming days can be great for a romantic outing too.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may meet many people over coming days in a variety of situations and gain much useful knowledge in the process. One encounter could stand out from all the rest, because the conversations you hold may be truly inspiring and might encourage you to explore new ideas and knowledge. You might be tempted to join a cause, and if so, it could link you to like-minded people.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

There may be so much that seems worthy of exploration, and that could take you in a direction that is novel and exciting. But while the stellar backdrop encourages you to enjoy new discoveries, it also hints that picking one or two options out of the many may be more satisfying. If you can narrow down your focus, the coming weeks can be rewarding in more ways than one.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

It might seem that everything is important, making it difficult to know what to focus on next. But if you can prioritize, you may find the days ahead are more productive. Even so, with yesterday's Full Moon still intensifying our emotions, you might be tempted to choose those ideas that feel good in the present moment rather than those that require work but can bring bigger rewards.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A dynamic focus over coming days can pave the way for opportunities, and these include allowing yourself time to enjoy life and to involve yourself in activities that bring out your creative side. At the same time, with inquisitive Mercury newly in your home zone, this can be a chance to look into saving some money on household utilities, and so enjoy a few treats Pisces.