As the Sun in Aquarius sextiles the Moon in Sagittarius, we may be keen to uncover ideas and information that can invite fresh possibilities into our lives.
Although a temporary aspect, a seed may be planted that blossoms into a new venture or opportunity. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 30th January 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 30th January 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Before you make the decision to have a word with someone, be sure you're not overreacting to a misunderstanding. With a lovely connection between the Sun and expressive Mercury, you might have an opportunity to repair a relationship, if you can be open about your feelings. Telling the truth could change things between you, but it might be for the better in this instance.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
An offer may be worth considering, but don't rush into it, even though there may be reasons why you are tempted to go for it. Doing so could be a drain on your time, when it might be better spent attending to current responsibilities. Finish what you have started, and be clear about your priorities. Then, if it still excites you and you are able, give it a go and see how it all pans out.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Although you do realize the importance of not wasting opportunities, you might wonder if there's something better out there that involves less work, yet offers more scope and greater potential for the future. There might be, but it could take time to develop certain skills compared to what you are used to. Have a long-term plan and build confidence step-by-step.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may wonder whether to keep feelings a secret, or to be open about them and say exactly what's on your mind. With the Sun linking to talkative Mercury, it could help to discuss this with someone who you can trust to give their unbiased opinion. Gently broaching this issue with the person in question may be better though, and can pave the way for a stronger bond overall.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Perhaps it's time to stop being too accommodating in certain dealings. Saturn's link to nebulous Neptune, suggests that if you feel a certain person or group is stringing you along, you may want to nip this in the bud. When it comes to a developing bond, things may not be so clear cut. You might enjoy being at someone's beck and call if it means spending more time with them.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you have neglected to keep up with certain health or fitness habits more recently, it may be because your mind is elsewhere. More specifically, it could be focused on a matter that is best sorted out sooner rather than later. If you are nervous of taking the plunge, then don't over-think it, just do it. You may be surprised at how quickly it is resolved and how much better you feel.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The present blend of energies might amp up feelings around a situation that needs to be addressed. You might prefer to lose yourself in a hobby or new relationship than attend to it though. It may be a friend or colleague who points out that if you do something now, you may be able to resolve this before it gets any more complicated, which can be so much better for you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You could find yourself at odds with someone in authority, and may have a desire to answer back or let them know how unhappy you are about something. This might not be helpful to you or the issue you're hoping to address, though. If you seem defensive, this might only make matters more uncomfortable. An easygoing approach could help you discuss this in a congenial way.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
An edgy tie between the Moon and hazy Neptune, suggests that if you've been taken in by a person's words not to be too harsh on yourself, as mistakes are part of life, if you act now, there may still be time to retrace your steps and undo what's been done without it being too much of an issue. Regarding a financial matter, the sooner you tackle it the better you'll feel.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Mars at odds with Pluto, may have had an uneasy effect on a certain relationship over recent days. However, other influences suggest your approach to this person can change. Instead of trying to prove a point, you might find it easier to put yourself in their shoes, encouraging a win-win situation that works for both of you, and that can promote a friendlier approach overall.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If your compassion has been stretched to the limit, then it may be time to put yourself first for a change. Having the Sun in your sign Aquarius, can be the perfect time to treat yourself to a makeover, some new clothes, a spa treatment or anything else that enhances your image. You deserve to indulge yourself, and inviting some friends along could make it more fun for you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It's one thing having goals and quite another to achieve them. And if you're to make a good job of them, then waiting until the Sun moves into your sign in around eighteen days, can be helpful. If you act now with the Sun in a secluded and hazy zone, your motivation can dip, and you might be inclined to second-guess yourself Pisces. With patience, rewards can be yours.