The Sun in Libra makes a positive aspect with systematic Saturn, enabling us to get organized and be more productive.
It's a helpful aspect for creating a strategy or building a team and can make accompishing a goal so much easier. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 29th September 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 29th September 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Want to hurry things along concerning matters of the heart? You may have no option but to go with the flow. Mars your guide planet aligns with Saturn, so patience is key. But with luscious Venus aligning with ethereal Neptune, you can make a great impression by showing more of your sensitive side. And you'll easily pick up on their real feelings for you as you talk, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With lovely Venus your personal planet lining up with dreamy Neptune, it's easy to be caught up in unrealistic feelings for someone. Even if you weren't that drawn to them in the past, this aspect could mean you begin to see them in a more glowing light. And yet with intense and probing influences also on the cards, the urge to ask a few questions can give revealing answers.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A feeling of compassion may sweep over you, Gemini. You'll be ready to give a helping hand to anyone who needs it. And if you're in business, this might include a competitor or even someone you don't see eye-to-eye with at work. Be practical too though, and make sure that any new plans or negotiations work out well for you, as well as others. Don't short-change yourself for anyone.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Do it now Cancer, and get to grips with issues that have been weighing you down for some time. Need to talk to someone? Mars's alignment with Saturn, can give you the stamina and diplomacy to be firm but fair. But there's also a chance that you could get swept off your feet by someone or even an idea. An alluring influence may find you drawn, and unable to resist temptation.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Your resolve to get things done may be strong, and you'll have the energy to accomplish much, especially concerning projects that require vision and creativity. If you're at the starting point, the coming weeks can see you gradually building momentum. Even so, a more subtle aspect could find you dreaming of something that might make your life complete, if only it was yours, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your down-to-earth focus may give way to spiritual thoughts, so you'll be inclined to see the best in others, and to excuse their faults and failings. If you've had issues with another, a soothing Venus/Neptune link can encourage you to forgive and forget, and you might experience a sense of relief from doing so. In a romantic mood? An encounter could seem so very inviting.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Forging new relationships and connections can be very fruitful, and a good investment of time and energy, Libra. Networking, whether online or off, could assist you in finding new opportunities, and you'll benefit from liaising with those on your wavelength. Still, with a very caring influence peaking today, you may feel like giving and giving, and find it hard to stop.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Sometimes the way to feel better about life is to recharge your batteries, and look at ways to resolve issues that are draining you. If you need time to yourself to do this, then take it. Plus, your horoscope reveals that practices such as yoga or tai chi, could help you feel more self-contained, enabling you to say no without guilt. Feel in the mood to make something beautiful? Unleash your creativity, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Mercury and the Sun in your social zone, enhance your desire to connect with people who are on your wavelength. You may be drawn by someone's intellect and lively wit, and their ability to talk about things that really interest you. You have a great sense of fun, so if a new friend chimes with you on this, then so much the better. And this bond could develop in strength over time.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
All fired up by an idea? Your enthusiasm may be the reason you impress someone who can help you. And you might be drawn to collaborate on a project that puts you in the spotlight. Mind, a very soulful and romantic aspect suggests you and another could be keen to connect. There may be a natural telepathy between you, enabling you to pick up on each other's thoughts with ease.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Sun's alignment with Saturn in your sign is perfect for getting on with things, even if you're dealing with tedious tasks. The key is to keep plodding along, and somehow you won't mind this. It could even feel quite comforting. But you may be drawn into a web of intrigue, as Venus aligns with Neptune. If someone suggests you get involved in a money-making scheme, think twice!
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The allure of what you don't have can cause you to fantasize greatly. An ethereal Venus/Neptune link may find you browsing the net, and losing yourself in offers and opportunities to escape from the everyday grind. While this is a temporary aspect, it could cause you to fall in love with one idea, and whether practical or not, you might be keen to make it happen.