Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Wednesday 29th November 2017

The Sun in Sagittarius aligns with the Moon in Aries, so our head and heart may be in harmony, enabling us to enjoy the day.

We should be able to give our complete focus to any projects we undertake, bringing superior results. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 29th November 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 29th November 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the Moon in your sign angles towards potent Pluto in your sector of goals and ambitions, you may have something to say to someone in authority. However, the way you handle this can either help or hinder the situation, so it might pay to tread with care. As the coming days can have a somewhat volatile energy it could help if you adopt a more conciliatory tone towards them Aries.  {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An awkward blend of energies can reveal issues associated with your beliefs. However, you are not obliged to change what is true for you, just because someone else seems keen to persuade you otherwise. Over coming days, you may need to be quite firm about this Taurus, as you likely won't be comfortable doing anything that goes against your inner knowing and deeper feelings.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If a friend or even a family member are keen to point out where you may be going wrong, then you could naturally feel irritated. It is possible though, that there is a grain of truth in what they say and that their insights might help if taken in the right spirit. Even if you do feel like ignoring their advice, giving it some consideration could change an important issue for the better Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may not always see eye-to-eye with friends or even a partner, but don't let this worry you. An awkward lunar tie suggests that you might have your ideas and opinions and they will have theirs, and it may have to stay this way. However, a harmonious link between the Sun and Moon suggests that something worthwhile could be accomplished if you can agree to work together.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As upbeat Jupiter aligns with dreamy Neptune, there can be a strong temptation to daydream and to get distracted from those tasks that need doing. And because it feels so pleasant, it might be difficult to get down to any mundane routines over coming days. Yet, adopting the right approach could change your outlook, and with a little discipline, they can be sorted in no time.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Even though you may get along with someone very well, the cosmos hints that they may need time to themselves over coming days. This is no reflection on you Virgo, and is more likely down to the fact that they may have issues to attend to and need some time to resolve them. When they are through they will be back, and you may find your connection stronger and richer as a result.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

It could be easy to feel frustrated if a family member ignores your advice or doesn't want to discuss a key issue. However, allowing your thoughts to linger on this matter likely won't help. With a lovely alignment between the Sun and Moon, you may find that switching your attention to creative activities can take your mind off it Libra, and perhaps allow a solution to emerge.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As positive Jupiter aligns with ethereal Neptune, you can derive much pleasure from dreaming big dreams, and enjoying the process of doing so. And as this influence draws closer, it can be tempting to believe that something is possible, even if it is a bit of a stretch. It may be Scorpio, but your horoscope suggests it might be wise not to make a start without subjecting this to some in-depth research first.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

It may be time to release something that could be a drain on you Archer, or that may be in the way of allowing you to fulfil your potential. As the Moon in your sector of creativity makes an edgy alignment with fervent Pluto, you may find you are given a choice over coming days and that this can help you to understand your predicament. Once you do, letting go of it can be easier.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

This can be a good time for getting family members on your side to work together on a project or resolve a key issue. A helpful link between the Sun in a private sector and the Moon in your home zone can allow a positive flow of energy, and for insights and ideas to show up that benefit everyone. It may be more difficult to discuss a matter with a superior though, so leave it for now.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If feelings are beginning to stir within, then it may be just as well to take time to listen to them. They may be informing you of what you really feel about a situation in your life, and this can help you devise a plan of action. It is possible though, that you might not want to acknowledge them, as doing so could mean letting go of something that you very much hope can work out.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You could be quite irritated if someone says something that appears rather flippant, especially if it seems they should know better. It could be that they were preoccupied and not really thinking clearly. However, it is possible that they felt a strong need to say something, and that going into this further could reveal something about this person that might very much surprise you Pisces.