Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Wednesday 28th April 2021

The Moon in magnetic Scorpio forges an edgy angle to generous Jupiter which can find us prone to temptation and willing to indulge.

Although we may know that something is bad for us, the idea of forbidden fruits can incline us to want to sample them. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 28th April 2021 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 28th April 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While the Moon in Scorpio aligns with underworld Pluto, this harmonious aspect can still be capable of scheming. Whatever you want today, you may be very determined to get it. Think about the consequences of your actions though, as they could be more far-reaching than you think. Still, you'll have an inbuilt detector, that will let you know if someone is being truthful or not.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If it seems that you are rather too involved in your own plans, then make no apology. With a powerful focus on your sign, this is exactly how it should be. Relish the opportunity to put your interests first, and to push ahead with those things that give you a ripple of excitement. Still, with Neptune in the picture, linking up with friends can prove inspiring and give you a positive boost.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your network of friends can be instrumental in bringing ideas your way, and connecting you to others on your wavelength. This can be a time when you greatly benefit from in-depth conversations, and the options that come out of them. And from this Gemini, something you are interested in could develop into a solid idea, that in turn, becomes a very worthwhile project.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

There could be some intense exchanges between you and another, that might make or break a relationship. Although the Moon/Pluto tie is positive, the emotions it drums up can encourage shades of obsession. Whatever the nature of your interactions, try not to push your agenda, Cancer. A relaxed approach is more likely to bring a positive outcome than a demanding one.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Moon in your home zone and its aspect to potent Pluto, could be a call to rethink your lifestyle and exercise routine, and perhaps to zero in on those areas where you know you are having the most difficulty. This might require you to be truthful with yourself, but if you can, you'll begin to make headway in these areas. Your energy levels should show signs of real improvement.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You'll be able to zero in on another's issues and weaknesses with ease, but should you talk about them? It may be best not to, unless you are asked for advice. Be sensitive to how others might feel Virgo, as this aspect can incline you to be very honest, and someone could find this difficult to take. Have a mystery to solve? If so, your horoscope suggests you'll enjoy peeling back the layers and finding answers.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

There are times when others can see things we cannot, and this may be one of them. A focus on a deep emotional sector suggests that if you have reached an impasse, the insights of a friend or family member might be useful in helping you come through. Sometimes all it needs is a fresh angle to give you a sense of what your next step should be, and so begin a new phase, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you've been looking into getting better value for your money and streamlining your finances, then making savings on your household expenses might give you extra cash. A positive focus on your home zone, can inspire you to make the most of any offers available, and to tailor your finances so that everything runs efficiently, hopefully leaving you much better off.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This can be a time of opportunities which could arise from networking and from making new contacts. Whoever you connect with, you might find yourself involved in some interesting conversations, gleaning information that may be extremely useful. With Saturn on the field, don't shy away from formal events Archer, as these can hold much promise and are worth attending.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You know who your friends are, and may need to call on someone who can help you out with a tricky issue. This person is likely to be highly knowledgeable, with a level of expertise that is perfect for your needs. Just a few words could pierce your confusion and dispel the fog in an instant. If you feel lost at sea, then their reassuring input might help you find your way.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A lunar angle with Jupiter in your sign, can be a call to trust your gut if you have an idea in mind and aren't sure how to go about it. With the Moon in a prominent zone, this could be the ideal time to move forward with a plan that enhances your image and gets you noticed. Don't push too hard though, as this may have the opposite effect. A relaxed approach will bring excellent results.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may have several options open to you, and deciding what to do next could have you in a spin. With an emphasis on your sector of talk and thought, your mind might be in overdrive and this can be part of the problem. Rather than over complicate matters, it helps to simplify them and to consider how much of your to-do list is necessary. Let your intuition lead the way, Pisces.

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