Horoscopes Wednesday 27th September 2017

As the Moon links with Uranus, it can see us keen to seek out emotional excitement, with a desire to get away from everyday routines.

This aspect can also coincide with a surprise that may change our plans. However, this minor detour could turn out to be quite fortuitous. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 27th September 2017 please see below.

Horoscopes Wednesday 27th September 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Although dynamic Mars, your guide planet, is gradually moving away from its contact with the ethereal Neptune, lovely Venus is edging closer, which can mean that you feel vulnerable and might wonder if those around you can pick up on your thoughts or even your secrets. It is more likely though that you can read theirs, and that doing so could give you an advantage. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Moon in a transformational sector makes some buoyant aspects that might encourage you to adjust your schedule. If you are finding certain tasks a little draining, then you may want to do something about this so that you have more energy for all the things you do enjoy. The present setup suggests you start with the most frustrating activities first of all and go from there.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Something delightful may be on its way into your life and it could be due to an encounter that sparkles with promise. Indeed, the coming days might see a friendship come into being or perhaps the first signs of a romance. Regarding family matters, it can seem that responsibilities at home are detracting from more important plans. Yet any sacrifices may be a price worth paying.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This can be an important time for you, especially if you're hoping to move up in the world. A very creative and innovative influence might encourage you to head in a direction that helps you accomplish your aims. The only thing that might set you back are doubts that this is possible. You may swing between confidence and a lack of faith, but confidence can win out in the end.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may be fascinated by exotic foods and faraway places, but could find that delightful experiences await you nearer home. Liaising with people from other countries could add something special to your life, especially over the coming week. Attending a cultural event or making a new friend could open up a whole other world, and one you might thoroughly enjoy.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be moving through a phase in which you are more sensitive than usual and if so, this looks set to continue for a few days more. In fact, nothing much has changed, except you may be more aware of other people's true feelings and this could cause discomfort. To make the most of current influences, your horoscope suggests focusing on what you can control, as you'll likely accomplish more.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may be at your happiest when you can embrace what you already have. Other factors though, can see you yearning for things that may be out of your reach, and that you have very little chance of obtaining. The exception to this may be a desire to befriend a certain person. This could prove a wise move indeed, as their sparkling influence can be good for you in so many ways.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With the Moon easing into your sector of talk and thought, this can be an ideal time to sort out any admin and catch up on all those things that you may have been putting off for some time. Your social life continues to be buoyant, and the coming days can see you busy with all kinds of activities, meetings and things to do. Mind, one person can remain a tantalizing mystery Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There can be excitement in the air over the coming days, and you may feel that your life will change for the better, though you could be uncertain of how this might happen. There may be one thing to consider, and this concerns a certain friendship or perhaps a romantic bond. If you have recently moved away from a restrictive liaison, try to avoid getting entangled in another.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Although you may be excited about the possibility of progress and of getting further ahead with a personal ambition of yours, part of your newfound enthusiasm may be due to the input of a family member or to your family in general. Bearing this in mind, doing something nice for those you're closest to can be very well received, and might result in ongoing support from them.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The tempo of your life may be on the verge of picking up, and yet you may wonder if you have what it takes to do the extra work involved. Rest assured, this is a passing phase as once you get started and find you are enjoying yourself, your energy levels can pick up. And when the present sapping Neptune influence ends over this weekend, you may be ready to give your all.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If someone tries to impress you with an idea that seems too good to be true, then it would be wise to avoid it. But with an urge for excitement across your financial axis, the idea of taking a risk can appeal greatly, even if the outcome is uncertain. However, taking on a challenge and using your wits to find a way to succeed at any cost might be a more constructive way to enjoy a thrill.