As the convivial energies of Venus link with the expansive side of Jupiter we may find the coming days unfold in a pleasing and sociable manner.
And even though an idealistic influence might encourage us to put another on a pedestal, this can change as a more piercing quality could bring us back down to earth. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 26th October 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 26th October 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The present picture could potentially highlight a conflict between societal norms and those ideas sparked from within by your intuition. Thus, the relationship between what you've been told and what you sense is right could put you at odds with yourself or others. Is it possible you've outgrown certain concepts, and now need a new blueprint that offers more potential? {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A positive blend of energies could bring you some delight in coming days as you contemplate purchasing things that might make life easier or more comfortable. Whatever you buy needs to be fit for purpose, though. There may be a temptation to opt for items that look good with less emphasis on their efficiency. Try not to be seduced by glossy designs or designers.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While you may be keen to give someone the benefit of the doubt, a developing link with the practical energies of Saturn suggests you might be better to be honest rather than allow matters to drift. This could temporarily upset the balance of the relationship, but it can also pave the way for a better understanding that maintains harmony and works well for both of you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Moon's alignment with Pluto and then Mars in your sector of relating, can result in interactions that have a dynamic and intense quality. If you're collaborating on a project, this can be an opportunity to make decisions that move it forward. You might find you have the same drives and motivation in common which will help foster a positive attitude and team spirit too.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Sun, your personal planet, now moving through a sensitive sector of your chart, you may feel it's time to get your bearings regarding the foundations of your life. Instinct may play a part in this, as the planetary picture suggests you may be more open to tuning into your deepest desires. If you ignore these to maintain the status quo, forward movement can stall.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Over the next few days, Mercury's lively link with the Sun could bring an idea to the forefront of your mind that may be ripe for action. A look around at how your life is shaping up can assure you that it might be just what's needed at this time. It may not be anything earth shattering, but if it serves a purpose and does serve you well, then the outcome can prove satisfying.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Over the coming days the cosmos encourages you to step forward and make a move in a new direction. With Venus, your ruler, linking with the steadying Saturn, a degree of anxiety could surface and it's possible that you can look and sound a lot more confident than you really feel. Any nervous feelings though Libra, may be a sign you are leaving your comfort zone.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Although others may try to dissuade you from one bright idea, why is this? With Mercury in your sign, you may have a personal interest in seeing a plan through to the end. You likely know yourself much better than others know you, and the sense of satisfaction you might feel from putting this into action can far outweigh a desire to appease those close to you, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The cosmic pattern suggests the way you approach an issue can say a lot about how much faith you have in yourself. If you feel good about taking control, then go ahead. If you feel that someone has a better grasp of things you may decide to ask them to take over the reins. In the end, it may not matter who is in charge, as long as it is resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Lunar ties to the intense energies of Pluto and feisty vibes of Mars can put you in touch with the emotions you feel about an idea or perhaps a relationship. They could also be a deciding factor concerning whether to push ahead or take a back seat for now. Your horoscope reveals a deeper current might alert you to values you pride yourself on, and if these are also intact it can also be a thumbs up.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Conflicting thoughts about a friendship or social group maybe at the heart of an issue that could leave you wondering where your loyalties lie. You may be tempted to follow through on an offer from someone who is more on your wavelength. If your heart is in it, then this would seem to be the direction to follow, though you might feel wary if it means letting a friend down.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The focus on your sector of goals can encourage you to take a step back from what you're doing and ask for advice before you move ahead. The relationships you form may be crucial to further progress, but how you go about developing them can be something to consider. Avoid being too flattering or too businesslike, as a balance will likely serve you better today, Pisces.