Horoscopes Wednesday 23rd November 2022

Today's New Moon in Sagittarius is perfect for a fresh start, especially if we're keen to study, learn skills, travel or expand our horizons.

Ii's also an opportunity to stand back and see the bigger picture. We'll then know what actions can best serve our plans. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 23rd November 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 23rd November 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A fabulous New Moon in your travel zone, inspires a sense of excitement. Felt a desire for something fresh? If so, you're being encouraged to set a new agenda that appeals to your love of adventure. Consider blazing your own trail rather than go with the tried and trusted, as with boldness and persistence you'll shine bright and inspire others with your enthusiasm, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Ready for a fresh start, Taurus? The New Moon in your sector of change and transformation, is excellent for getting rid any dead wood so you can embrace fresh opportunities. Keen to get your finances and business affairs moving forward? Make a start now. And with jubilant Jupiter pushing ahead from today, an invite to an event could result in a supportive new friendship.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Today's New Moon in your sector of relating may cause a stir, and could be the reason that a partnership or a romance reaches a critical point. And yet with aspects looking so upbeat, whatever decisions you reach could be a success for both of you. Whether you are making a commitment or going solo after a break up, a new confidence and sense of destiny can emerge.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be delighted and amazed by an offer that comes your way. There's more though, as by taking this up, new doors can open for you. A sparkling New Moon could be a call to embrace opportunities that may be exactly what you have been looking for. Plus, as Jupiter turns direct from today, opportunities that seemed like closed doors could become available to you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With a potent influence encouraging a shift, the coming days and weeks can see fresh developments. If you've been eagerly waiting to launch a project or small business, that time could be now. Falling for someone? Wait before taking things further, as emotions can be dazzling due to the New Moon. Will you feel the same way next week? It's wise to wait and see.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Anything linked to the home, family and your roots, may gain in importance. A decision to move, expand your family or to explore your ancestry in depth, might reveal new possibilities and exciting opportunities. There's more good news, as Jupiter turns direct in your sector of relating. If a romance has been slow to take off or a team project was delayed, it's all systems go, Virgo!

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The New Moon in your sector of talk and thought, means words can boost morale. News or information may come your way that frees you from stress. It might be something you've been waiting for or even the outcome of a decision. Either way once you get it, you'll know where you stand. Keen to seek out a new job? Jupiter's forward motion could be helpful, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With a potent lunar phase on the go, your money situation may be about to change for the better. Stay alert for opportunities to enhance your income and make the most of your talents. A new beginning may be on the cards, and someone you know could help you make the most of your options. And Jupiter turns direct from today, so a romance that's stalled may get back on track.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Jovial Jupiter your guide planet, forges ahead after its rewind phase, so family projects get a boost. And a New Moon in your sign can initiate a time of positive change, encouraging you to take the plunge and get moving on a plan that may have been in the works for some while. Your horoscope reveals you'll feel a surge of enthusiasm that helps overcome any doubts and pushes you to have a go.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Spiritual topics and activities may be strongly on your mind, and today's New Moon in a private sector can be a call to engage in a practice that reduces stress and leaves you more able to handle everyday life. At the same time Jupiter turns direct, which hints at news or a conversation that could change your future for the better. Get ready, as something good is coming your way.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Today's New Moon sets the stage for changes that will usher in a new beginning for you. This lunar phase can see you reaching out and networking with new groups and friends. And any contacts you make could be very helpful to you. There's better news on the financial front, as Jupiter pushes ahead. Delays may soon ease, and money-making schemes can take-off now.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A far-reaching New Moon in a prominent sector, suggests you could be offered an opportunity that sets a new course. It could bring changes that catapult you to the next level or onto a path that you've always wanted to follow. But you'll also benefit from Jupiter turning direct in your sign. It's time to say yes to life, and to focus on goals that enhance the feel-good factor, Pisces.

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