Horoscopes Wednesday 23rd January 2019

With lively Mercury forging a difficult angle to edgy Uranus our minds may be unusually active, with a tendency to skip from one thing to the next.

Others may misunderstand us and it can seem we are talking at cross purposes unless we make a sterling effort to be clear. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 23rd January 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 23rd January 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Interacting with others may not be as smooth a process as you might like, especially if you have key things to discuss. Lively Mercury's angle to Uranus can be volatile, so care may be needed with more delicate strands. And while this can be unsettling, it may be part of the process of change that might bring about small, but positive benefits. Whatever occurs, know that it's for the best. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An erratic blend of energies can leave you feeling restless, making it hard to relax. But having friends on hand could be helpful, as good company can be therapeutic and just what you need. Even so, with Venus in cahoots with hazy Neptune, you could feel you have let someone down, which may not be the case at all. If anything, you may have done more to help than most.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

While you may present a businesslike front, other influences indicate your mind can be elsewhere, and you could have a yearning to lose yourself in a movie or good book. However, these mental meanderings may be harmless compared to a proposition you might be mulling over. Although tempting and a quick route to a goal, it might be a tad risky and something to avoid.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Should you find yourself involved in a relationship drama, the cosmic backdrop suggests doing what you can to allow things to settle. The ability to stand back may give a better perspective on the issue involved. Although this could be a cause for concern over the next day or so, it likely won't last. On a positive note, a chance to realize a key ambition can emerge now.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Restless thoughts can be a result of Mercury's edgy angle to Uranus, which could mean that you find it hard to settle to your usual routine. Factor in unexpected events, and it may be easier to respond to life as it happens, as planning may not be an option. Do you long to hear from someone close yet faraway? Do be proactive, as a call can leave you both feeling better.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Are you in the process of exploring a golden opportunity? If so, then the way you go about it may need some finesse. If you appear in a hurry, then you could give the wrong impression. Besides, it could lead to you forgetting certain important details. Slow down and pace yourself, as no matter how excited you feel, it is important to give an impression of thoroughness.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may find comfort in talking with others who understand a predicament you may be going through. A coffee and a chat could restore your spirits in no time. You might also be hoping for a peaceful day, yet a domestic issue might need attention too. If you feel harried because of such disruptions, then a few quiet moments might help you get back on track.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A get-together could be snarled up by complications you hadn't anticipated, so it might be better to put this off for another day. Doing so could benefit you, as if there are things to discuss there is less likelihood of any misunderstandings. On a financial note, your horoscope suggests the chance of bargains or deals, and an opportunity that can bring good things your way.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

What might be an exciting plan could be subject to delays. You might also find that it costs more than anticipated. With an edgy blend of energies, it might be better arranged for another time. Besides, you could have far better things to spend your time on. Indeed, you may be getting along with someone so well you'll want to meet again Archer, and likely quite soon.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

There are times when it may seem lonely pursuing a goal or dream, especially if you've had to cut back on other activities to accomplish it. You may feel this way over the next day or so, as you contemplate a scenario in which you might have lost out on family time and other fun options. Once the results start rolling in though, they could offset any perceived setbacks.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You could feel a tad on edge if things don't happen as you expect them to. But with Mercury angled towards Uranus, there's a chance a key event may be cancelled. If so, the cosmic backdrop suggests a pause while you get your bearings. The Sun in your sign and other upbeat trends though, hint that positive developments can more than make up for this disappointment.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The seed of an idea may take root over coming days, and could blossom into a fruitful collaboration or encourage a meaningful friendship. Current energies could leave you impatient for results though, which might mean you're tempted to rush this. If you can allow things to gently proceed and to evolve at their own pace, the results can be so much more meaningful.