Horoscopes Wednesday 22nd January 2020

The Sun's awkward angle to cutting edge Uranus can put us in the mood to seek freedom from too much drudgery.

It can also incline us to make impulsive moves. Some thought before action can help avoid doing anything we might regret. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 22nd January 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 22nd January 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A small but unexpected windfall or a positive event that occurs out of the blue, could leave you feeling you're not alone and that the cosmos has your best interests at heart. Equally possible, is an encounter with someone who may have advice that is exactly what you needed to hear. Such events may not happen everyday Aries, but when they do, they can certainly boost your spirits.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may have made a promise to someone, but a wilful blend of energies could mean that you don't feel like committing to it. Would the person in question really be bothered? They could be Taurus, which might not help your relationship. Even though you may want your freedom to do as you please, it can pay dividends to handle this and go enjoy yourself once it is attended to.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Honesty can be your best policy over coming days, especially should you feel an urge to ditch your schedule in pursuit of something more daring. While it may be tempting to disguise the reality, you will be able to enjoy yourself so much more if you tell it how it is. You could offer to make up for this later, by which time you'll likely be happy to attend to your responsibilities.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Much as you might like to micro-manage your day and have things go exactly to plan, there is a chance that they may not. If you can go with the flow things may be more relaxed, and you might even find that you learn something from any distractions that occur. In addition, if you can deal with them in the right spirit, they may be gateways to opportunities Cancer, rather than a bind.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

What you want and what others want, may be two very different things Leo. If you don't like what they are asking you to do, you might decide to stand your ground. Is this the best course of action though, especially if '€œthey'€ are someone in authority? The willingness to meet them halfway will not go unnoticed and you might find that any compromise is not so bad after all.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may seek peace of mind, but if there is something you are fretting over, then it might not be so easy to come by. With the Sun angling towards the potentially disruptive Uranus, you may find that getting to grips with it first is the best way to relax. Don't leave those agitated thoughts buzzing around your brain if doing something about it now will help ease them and bring fast relief.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Do you really want to get involved in activities that could stir you up? Or would you prefer to do your own thing? An edgy angle between the Sun and restless Uranus, suggests that focusing on your hobbies and interests might bring greater satisfaction. Mind, when you've had your fill, inviting some friends over for a coffee and a chat could add a pleasant note to the day Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With electric Uranus figuring strongly in the equation, a friend may have to back out of a planned get-together, leaving you high and dry. Whatever the scenario, have contingency plans and include a chance for some self-care. Prepared your home for entertaining? Then perhaps someone else could take their place. With creative thought, this doesn't have to be an issue.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your best laid plans could come to nothing, and yet this might not be such a bad thing Archer, as new opportunities can show up in their place. If you can keep an open mind and adopt a flexible approach, something exciting may come to light. With Venus and Jupiter aligning, you may want to beautify your home. Your horoscope hints that browsing around a vintage store might help you find the right items.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A delightful alignment between Venus and Jupiter can coincide with an encounter that oozes with promise. You may find this person to be warm, sincere and pleasant to be around, and this can encourage you to want to befriend them, collaborate with them or do business with them. Looking for excitement? Have fun Capricorn, but avoid impulsive moves which could backfire.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There is still a powerful focus on a private sector that may be causing you to powerfully doubt yourself at times. Even so, this is very much an opportunity to affirm your self-worth and believe that a solution is possible. A positive Venus/Jupiter aspect may be temporary, but it can boost confidence and inspire you to tap into deeper resources Aquarius, enabling you to find answers.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Whatever you had planned may not happen as intended, as an edgy Uranus tie hints at disruptions Pisces. Something may need attending to, and it could mean liaising with another to resolve it. Don't bank on their co-operation though, as they may be caught up in resolving their own issues. Instead, trust your instincts on this as they will guide you to do and say the right thing.