The Moon in Cancer forges an angle with bountiful Jupiter in Aries, which could inspire us to approach someone more confidently.
We may have a great idea and this may be the person to help us make it a reality. We'll win if we dare! For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 1st June 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 1st June 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You don't like to spend too much time on details as a rule, but with Mercury slowing prior to turning direct in a few days, it might help to check a few things out. Times and dates of meetings you don't want to miss are one of them Aries, but also where your money is going and what you are getting for the price you pay. Keeping track could help you avoid a lot of unnecessary stress.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Moon in a congenial zone, angles towards jovial Jupiter, which can find you more confident and ready to make the most of the day. An intuitive nudge might inspire you to do something you've never tried before, but always wanted to. All you need is that push to take the first step, and under today's sky, you may just get it. Who knows where this will take you, Taurus?
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be feeling a tad restless Gemini, as things might not be moving fast enough for your active mind. You're probably a few steps ahead of everyone, and wondering why everything is going so slowly. Be patient for a while longer, as Mercury your personal planet is at its slowest before turning direct in a couple of days. Soon enough, your plans and projects will take off.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Moon in your sign can make you more sensitive, so you'll likely pick up on the vibes of people and places very quickly. Mind, with upbeat Jupiter and feisty Mars in the mix, you'll find it easier to set aside any reservations and do what you have to do. Is something bothering you? There's a side of you that is ready to rise to the challenge, and get the outcome you want.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may feel like hibernating today, as the Moon in a private zone encourages you to enjoy some alone-time and a chance to recharge. It might not last long though Leo, as it seems you'll be in demand. Plus, if something new and exciting grabs your attention, you'll forget about everything else in your urge to go after it. You can trust your instincts to lead you to something worthwhile.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You like your efforts to count, and to feel as though you are slowly but surely accomplishing your goal. So, you may need to be even more patient than usual, as Mercury your personal planet is on the verge of changing direction. This can mean further complications and delays to your best laid plans. Eager for positive progress? Just keep working away, and you'll get there.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You could feel a tad emotional, as the Moon in Cancer and a high-flying zone, can find you reacting to people and events and unable to hold back your feelings. Those you are in contact with might not be so thoughtful as you Libra, and some of their remarks may be tactless. You could get fired up and tell them what you think, or you can get tearful. Detaching is the key.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your plans may be thrown into disarray, and it's not your fault, Scorpio. There are influences that could cause delays or throw a spanner in the works. And there's not a lot you can do about it, except bide your time and take what steps you can. It's also possible that you've been taking something for granted, and that the coming days might help you realize this isn't a good idea.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You might have strong opinions, but you may be pushed into admitting you've made a mistake. When it becomes obvious that you can no longer hide it, it's the best thing you could do. But don't let it upset you, Archer. Everyone gets the wrong end of the stick at some time, so forget it and move on. Anyway, you have so much going for you, this will soon pale into insignificance.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you've experienced cashflow issues, then you may be ready to take action to make sure that this doesn't happen again. With prudent Saturn your personal planet preparing to turn retrograde, this is one of the best times to cut back expenses and find enterprising ways to increase your income. Your horoscope reveals that a combination of the two could work well, and if anyone can stick with it, it's you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Is there something you want so badly you'll do anything to have it? If so, you may be presented with a dilemma. To get it, you might need to cross a line that you would usually try to avoid. This could cause you to think very carefully about your values and principles, and why you want what you do. If it feels the right thing to do Aquarius, then it's fine to bend your own rules.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may assume that nothing can alter your plans, but you could be wrong. With Mercury slowing down before turning direct and Saturn slowing before going retrograde, there is plenty of room for shifts and changes that you hadn't expected. Take nothing for granted Pisces, and try to be flexible. If things don't go as hoped, don't fret. They might turn out even better than imagined.