Horoscopes Wednesday 18th January 2017

Although the Libra Moon can be an aid in balancing and stabilizing our mood, we may find we are pulled in one direction or another by the day's events.

As a result, this may not be the best time to make an important decision. Indeed, delaying may be our best bet. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 18th January 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 18th January 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With a focus on the last degree of your sector of goals you may find yourself scrambling to get certain responsibilities out of the way. A sense of urgency can see you making a supreme effort, even if you don't feel like it, Aries. This may be just as well though, as with the Sun changing signs from tomorrow your focus will shift and you may be ready for more relaxed options. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It may seem you have gone as far as you can go with certain knowledge and that this has already had a life changing affect on you. Certain shifts may have altered key facets of your life for good and deep down you may be secretly glad of this. And even if this process has proved inconvenient and uncomfortable at times, what you have now can make it all worthwhile.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

This isn't a time to be modest Gemini, but to be confident about showcasing your skills, especially if there is an opening for you to do so. Though you might wonder what others will think, focusing on doing your absolute best can be the wiser option. If you are naturally talented then people will likely be pleasantly impressed, if not now then perhaps in the very near future.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The present backdrop can leave you feeling like you should explain yourself, and this may be because you feel guilty for taking a certain course of action. Do you need to though? If it is something important that allows you to expand your horizons and develop as a person then perhaps you should not. Fortunately, someone close may be keen to understand your reasoning.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The temptation may be to push on in order to get something done. But the way the astrological backdrop is unfolding can mean that the harder you try the less you seem to accomplish. This may be because present trends can seem to put barriers in your way, causing frustration. But it might also be that if you did relax and go with the flow things could well sort themselves naturally.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As Mars in your sector of relating angles towards the intense energies of Saturn, you may feel uncomfortable regarding a situation that has come up recently. While it may not last Virgo, the next day or so could seem awkward and it is this that you might be keen to avoid. While you may not be able to switch off completely, taking a backward step and detaching could help.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

From tomorrow the Sun moves into your creative zone leaving you ready to explore fresh options. For now though, you may be contemplating a task that you would rather not have to tackle. Is it really necessary though Libra? If it is, then it may be best not to over think it and just do it. If not, see the day as an opportunity better spent on something productive or enjoyable.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The next few days can encourage a change of tack relating to your use of key resources. If you've found yourself overstretched, then this can be a wake-up call to make a few adjustments so that you feel happier with this area of life. The main point the cosmos is making is to find answers you are comfortable with and a budget that is neither too harsh nor too excessive.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If someone's thoughts seem to contradict your best laid plans it may be time to go back to the drawing board. Even so, try not to see this as a sign that anything is wrong, as in all probability you have done what seemed best in your eyes. Indeed, as the focus shifts over the next day or so you may see this matter in a different light and know exactly where your priorities lie, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may feel moved to spend some time over coming days thinking about the direction your life is taking, and whether this is what you really want for yourself. It is even possible that you might want to reconsider certain plans, if only to make life easier. Furthermore, tomorrow's lunar phase might see you making such a decision if it helps you feel more alert and energised.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Sun in the last degree of your psychological sector and about to move into your sign, you may feel a sense of renewal as though you have been relieved of circumstances and emotional issues that have been holding you back. This can be like a rebirth for you Aquarius, as vital energy that might have been dammed up can begin to flow again and work to your benefit.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your horoscope can leave you certain that an idea of yours may be a very good one. Even so, until you have actually tried it there is no way of knowing whether this might be true or not. And, if you go by the evidence of the next few days you may lose confidence in it. Give this more time though Pisces, and you could find that any reservations soon begin to melt away.