Today’s Horoscopes Wednesday 17th June 2015

Although the Sun/Mars conjunction has dominated this week, another aspect or planetary angle has also been in play, with equally positive possibilities. This is Jupiter's Trine with Uranus. Now, when these two co-operate all sorts of dramatic breakthroughs can occur around technology, medicine, communications etc. The world wide web's founder Tim Berners Lee has these two planets strongly to the fore in his natal horoscope.

So, if you have an idea that you believe is worthy of further investigation, one that may not be as mainstream, and would be more ground breaking, don't feel you shouldn't run with it just because it breaks the mould. Uranus can be disruptive but also trigger innovative changes, and Jupiter is a about growth, and sometimes fortune. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 17th June 2015 please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Mercury's forward motion paves the way for greater understanding, as information that was lacking becomes available. Finally the answers to longstanding issues and questions will likely soon show up. The Moon and its link to Neptune however encourages you to take some respite if possible. Relaxing can really help.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you're wondering when you should tackle that those bills, or reply to any overdue correspondence – the answer is today. The Sun Mars link can give you the push you need to get paperwork out of the way. And a pleasantly upbeat tie-up can inspire a home-based project from which all family members can mutually benefit.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you have something to get off your chest, such as the need to complain about a product or service this might be a good time to let it all out. The focus on your sign, along with its potent Mars dynamic suggests you can be in your element. Do let your natural wit shine through, whether you're writing or liaising with others.  {copytag:[560]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The current Jupiter Uranus tie up suggests you have a great opportunity to showcase your skills and abilities, whether at work or perhaps in the form of an exhibition or concert that highlights your talents. Though you may have a bit of an aversion to being in the limelight, on this occasion it could be very good for you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Have a surplus of energy? You can put it to good use by getting on top of overdue projects or other deadlines. Your social scene continues to look especially lively too, so you might find yourself involved with community events or charity-based fund raisers. A friend with an issue may though appreciate your wise counsel.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It can be an excellent day to put on your social cap and reach out to others, especially those who might benefit from your naturally supportive approach. The Moon Neptune connection suggests you'll be willing to make a sacrifice to help out another who is feeling under the weather. Tonight a lively get-together can appeal.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With both Venus and Jupiter urging you out and about, this is no time to refuse an invite or the offer of a date, should one show up. Indeed, you stand to gain in so many ways from taking the initiative and organizing one or two events yourself particularly if you have an interest or cause you're keen to raise the profile of.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Certain people in your life may be filled with bright and optimistic ideas, particularly when it comes to money or business matters. However, even if you see a flaw in their argument this may not be the time to tell them – for their idea may still hold general merit. A change in law or new information could make a real difference.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Activities involving discussion and negotiation can work really well, with a focus on co-operation and positive interaction. Need to hold an important conversation? Go ahead as it may be very worthwhile. Against this background of goodwill another excellent influence can bring a stroke of good fortune your way.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Interesting news can jolt you out of any feelings of complacency, especially if it concerns family matters or a timely decision. You might have to jump to attention should action be required in other areas too. Despite any inconvenience associated with potential changes, something good could come out of this in time.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The on-going Jupiter Uranus connection suggests you'll find it hard to ignore the message hidden inside a key event, and will see the sense in changing a plan or strategy to accommodate new information. Allow your curiosity lead you forward today, as any discoveries could have positive implications for the future.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

It's a good idea to handle your finances wisely – especially as today's line-up might encourage you to spend more. Rather than splurge, it won't hurt to put some aside or to invest in things that look more to your future. If friends are talking of meeting a celebratory meal for later in the week may require careful planning.