With luscious Venus opposing sobering Saturn we may feel cut off from others and perhaps unable to reach out to them or discuss our feelings.
Cashflow issues can also show up so it is just as well to have some put aside just in case the need arises. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 17th July 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 17th July 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Yesterday's Eclipse may have brought clarity on certain matters, including the implications this has for you. If you are feeling ruffled by all that has happened, or could happen, then slow down the pace Aries. You likely won't feel like hitting the ground running and may be more reserved than usual. But a renewed determination to follow your heart could swiftly revitalize you.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you're feeling subdued, it may be down to the face-off between Venus, your ruler and sobering Saturn. You may even prefer your own company if some conversations have left you with much to reflect on. Still, with lively Mars powering through your home zone, spending time with loved ones can be a restorative, and if you have a chance for some pampering, then do indulge yourself.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With intense feelings swirling in the ether, you may need some time to make sense of things and to create a plan for the future. Normally, you can be quite talkative, but might feel like keeping yourself to yourself until you are confident that you have any ongoing situations under control. And yet, if you were to share something of what you're going through, it may be a relief Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Has there been a shift in the balance of power in a relationship? Is it beneficial to you? If so, you may need some time to adjust. If yesterday's potent Lunation encouraged productive dialogue on this very subject, or you are in the middle of an ongoing conversation, this is certainly something to be welcomed. Does this leave you feeling a tad awkward? You'll soon get used to it Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While you may realize the value of restructuring your lifestyle, there are areas where you may need to contemplate a complete shift if you are to have more time to yourself Leo. For some while, you may have been aware that work isn't the be all and end all, and that there must be something more. Recent Eclipses may have been the catalyst that will inspire wiser choices.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Have recent events rocked your social life and forced you to reconsider how you fit in? Time alone to reflect on this issue may help. And yet, this may not be so much to do with others but more how you have changed. You might feel better in the company of those who share your deepest interests Virgo, with stronger bonds being forged as camaraderie and trust develop.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It may become clear that what others think about you shouldn't and doesn't matter. You can be fairly sensitive about others' feelings, and yet this quality may have stopped you from taking the initiative and pursuing goals that are important to you. This month's key lunar cycles may have brought this home powerfully, and you could now feel ready to pursue a path of your choice with passion.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you are going to do well, then there may be skills you need to hone or learn from scratch. These can be key in helping you get ahead. Have you resisted taking the plunge? If so, it could be because it would take you too far out of your comfort zone. Yet events may have helped you see that nothing stands still. Your horoscope suggests that if you are to embrace a new future, bold actions are necessary.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Key insights into your values and financial situation could make a positive difference. As Venus opposes sobering Saturn, you may have a desire to cut back on certain expenses that you can do without. Paring away anything that is not useful to your present lifestyle might make you aware of how little is needed to be content, and that simplicity can be key to less stress and anxiety.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you've had to do a lot for someone over recent days, there is no need to feel guilty if you have something to ask of them. In fact, if you have tended to take the lead in a relationship, this turnaround could put you both on a more equal footing. Maybe this person has wanted to feel more involved all along. Giving way so this can happen, could add extra zest to this bond.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As Venus moves to link with dreamy Neptune, your heart may open with compassion if someone asks for a donation to a charity. You might also be tempted by an item that delivers on a soulful level and leaves you feeling good. If there are too many of these moments though, you could end up spending a lot. Be kind, but consider your real needs, as wise investments will build security.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Don't be too quick to make a promise or commit to a deal, whether for business or more personal reasons. As sweet Venus aligns with prudent Saturn and hazy Neptune, it suggests that you could be too eager to please and may offer to do more than is necessary or good for you. Someone could withhold their friendship if you don't do as they ask, but on those terms, why should you?