Horoscopes Wednesday 16th December 2020

Convivial Venus has just started her journey through Sagittarius which could lead to a desire for more regarding our relationships or love life.

We may want to expand our horizons by taking on challenges with another or by moving out our comfort zone to meet new people. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 16th December 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 16th December 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The qualities of determination and persistence are ones that you might want to focus on Aries, as they may help you get beyond any desire to put something off. If you are in doubt about moving ahead with a plan, then a strong alignment could help you overcome a lack of confidence. Potent lunar ties can inspire you to feel the fear and do it anyway, as you might surprise yourself.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If an edgy mood takes hold then try not to be deterred, as your outlook could brighten as the day progresses. A tie between Jupiter and Saturn in the last degree of Capricorn, suggests allowing your curiosity to lead the way. Make a call or two, or extend the hand of friendship to someone you meet. Interesting opportunities may be on their way, and it's time to encourage them along.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It's a lively yet potentially demanding day, in which friends and new encounters may play a part. You might be ready for excitement or new experiences, and to this end, a call could forge a nice connection, especially if it's regarding business or social affairs. An awkward matter can show signs of coming to a head though, so tread with care around edgy issues and keep the peace.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This may be a day for accomplishments, if you feel ready and are determined to forge ahead. There can be challenges associated with an ambition, but with sensitivity you could work around these. As Jupiter and Saturn combine in the final degree of your relationship sector, you might be on the verge of forging a business-like partnership that may be a force for good in your life.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There's a lot of positive energy showing, so don't let bad feeling spoil more upbeat possibilities. Still, unless you make a point of letting a certain matter go, it can play on your mind and leave you with less energy and focus for other things. Connecting online with uplifting friends and family could be a tonic in this regard, and may be the key to letting this all blow over faster.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

There are many reasons to rejoice at the bold and lively influences working on your behalf, that can enhance your lifestyle and home environment. The only thing that might not help, is a desire to make a project or even a romantic bond your main focus, especially if it isn't going as well as hoped. Give it space and just enjoy your day, and progress may then be swifter in this regard.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A background of lively energy can give you the boost you need Libra, enabling you to make the most of the festive season. While it's possible that a domestic issue may reach a peak and that a decision might need to be made, there is no need to rush. Talking to a friend could help you to see another perspective that you hadn't considered, and put a more positive spin on matters here.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As lunar ties forge edgy aspects, a situation that has been ongoing may seem to bubble over. This can involve a clash with someone, unless you can nip it in the bud sooner rather than later. Your horoscope suggests that by stepping back and detaching, you might notice how the intensity diminishes and how positive solutions could come to the fore. A serious conversation can leave you more optimistic, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you've reached stalemate regarding a key project then consider teaming up with a friend, as their high-energy may be contagious. On a similar note, as Mars inspires you to explore new options, someone outward going and entertaining can reinvigorate your zest for life. Regarding finances, investment in a course of study or learning new skills, could be a very good one indeed.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Resisting change can be a futile exercise, and clinging to aspects of the past may keep you stuck. Whereas embracing fresh ideas could seem audacious, and yet be very freeing. Something new might be ready to blossom, so relax and try to let it develop naturally. Prefer the tried and trusted? If so, new opportunities can take longer to appear. A curious approach may be a winner though.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you're willing to discuss an idea and share your thoughts, then it could change things for the better. The more proactive you are, the more goodwill you might generate, encouraging support for key ideas. If a friend who is central to your plans is not as receptive as you'd hoped, then taking time to talk things through may help bridge the gap, and encourage creative solutions.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With Jupiter and Saturn aligning in your social sector, you may become aware of the benefits of staying a member of a group or club, and how much you've gained from it. Had thoughts of leaving? If so, this aspect encourages you to think again, as the time invested could continue to bring much good into your life. Think things through over coming days, rather than make a snap decision.

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