With the Moon in Libra aligning with Venus this can be an excellent time to resolve any relationship issues, as you and another are more likely to give each other leeway.
In addition, if can be one of the better aspects for having people back to your place or organising a family event, as the atmosphere should be very harmonious. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 15th June 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 15th June 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Key influences may see you in a quandary concerning whether to go ahead with an idea, deal or project or whether to call it a day and start again. The ongoing connection between Saturn and Neptune may be the reason that a hint of indecision has crept into your thinking. Ironically, there is another aspect which can give you enormous encouragement to drive forwards. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Whether you realise it or not, you have achieved a lot over recent weeks, but have you recognised this? There's a chance you've been focusing on one key area that hasn't worked out so well, and have failed to notice just how much progress is being made in other areas. Today, a lunar connection to Venus encourages you to pause a while and acknowledge any progress.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Moon's connection with Uranus may cause a degree of restlessness which could coincide with an impulsive mood. Bearing this in mind, you might find yourself taking up an invite or connecting with friend so as to add some excitement to the hours ahead. However, conversely this alignment could also see you provoke a much more confrontational discussion.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A pleasant tie between the Moon and affable Venus can encourage warm and upbeat feelings between you and those in your circle. Your horoscope suggests that feel-good factor brought about by these links might also entice you to indulge, whether in comfort foods or opportunities to unwind. While you may feel you deserve both, try not to let practicalities slide too much either.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If the present backdrop reveals anything, it's that your destiny is firmly in your hands. Indeed, it is within your power to make those changes you've been considering for some while, especially if you go one step at a time. In fact, Jupiter's tie to Pluto not only offers a superb opportunity, but challenges you to consider how much more you could do if you push yourself.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although the Sun and Venus are coming to the end of their journey in the topmost sector of your chart, their influence may have contributed to positive relationships with people who share your goals. Whether you're a career person or someone with other big goals, key aspects encourage you to invest further in keeping such upbeat connections alive and well for the future.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Before the Moon eases into Scorpio it makes some delightful ties that could entice you to connect with an old friend. Doing so can enhance your bond and perhaps help you to realise how much you still have in common. Conversely, you may become aware of how much you may have invested in an ongoing friendship that might seem to have given you little in return.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The cosmic forecast over the coming two weeks hints that being more relaxed about your ambitions can be a good thing. Furthermore, it can afford you an opportunity to review your progress and to consider your plans for the long-term. Indeed Scorpio, while it is a positive trait to aim high, it might not help to continually push yourself, but create downtime too.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
A connection between the Moon and the stirring energies of Uranus could be the reason you feel moved to say something about an issue that's grated on you. However, you might also be very aware of the impact this would have – and whether it is such a good idea after all. Other lunar ties suggest that letting the whole thing go may prove to be an even better solution.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It might be tempting to think that because one area of your life is not showing as much progress as you would like, the same applies to all activities. A closer look will reveal this probably isn't true. Expansive Jupiter's fine tie with change planet Pluto hints that a personal investment of time and energy is something you value, and recognise, whatever stage it is at.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A tense connection to Uranus might mean you choose to do your own thing rather than involve yourself in whatever friends or associates are doing. In fact, a little "you-time" could help you unwind and recharge. But as the day progresses you could also find you have some of your best experiences when you do in fact join in and connect with like-minded others.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The one thing that is certain in life is change, which can be reassuring news if you're feeling stuck and unable to see the path ahead. With the link between Saturn and Neptune tightening, you may wonder if you'll ever find a way to resolve a current dilemma. However, as time goes by you may consider what is now transpiring as a blessing and holds no fears.