Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Wednesday 12th August 2020

The Moon in Taurus aligns harmoniously with prudent Saturn which can find us in a businesslike mood and perhaps not as easygoing as usual.

If we have a job to to we will likely put duty first, but once our task is done we may be keen to rewards ourselves. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 12th August 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 12th August 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Feelings can be intense over the next day or so, and this may be because you are ready for a radical change to take place, especially in connection with a goal or career move. With the Moon making some powerful ties, you could be filled with a strong sense of purpose that nothing seems to shake. Ready to commit to action? If so, there might be no turning back this time Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Eager to do something that could transform your life and open new doors? It might be an idea you have been thinking about recently that greatly excites you. The opportunity may show up soon and can lead you in a new direction that you feel compelled to travel. Listen to your instincts too, as your horoscope suggests they could assist in making the right decisions and avoiding any snafus, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Is something bothering you Gemini? If you aren't sure how to deal with this matter, take your time. With such intense energies on the go, a slip of the tongue or the accidental sending of a text or email, could add fuel to the fire, which certainly won't help. The Moon in a secluded zone, encourages reflection which can ease pressure and help solutions to appear more readily too.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It may be difficult to gauge if someone is being critical or just holds very intense views. With a potent blend of energies showing up, the coming days could coincide with some edgy conversations that might leave you wondering how you should respond. The key can be in making use of any constructive criticism and letting the rest go, then you'll truly benefit.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The idea that something needs to change may have been on your mind for a while, and slowly you might have been making key adjustments. As fiery Mars forges an angle with potent Pluto though, you could be very fired up about one issue that seems to have been holding you back. Directing this intense energy at the matter can swiftly bring about the shift you desire, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Had words with someone? A powerful and intense angle could encourage you to let them know what you think, but consider first what it would accomplish. It might mean the end of this relationship for good. If you are fine with that, no problem. If not, diplomacy may be wiser. On the social front, a calming influence suggests a talk with friends can put things in perspective.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With sweet Venus working on your behalf in your sector of goals and ambitions, you can do much to smooth over any difficulties in talks and negotiations, whether you are closing a deal or going for a job interview. This is a good time to dress in a way that others will notice, as the image you show to the world could be crucial to connecting with the right people and moving forward.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Avoid getting into a spat, especially as you may not be seeing the full picture. With a powerful aspect involving feisty Mars and radical Pluto, both of which are guiding planets, you could find it hard to detach. This blend of energies can be very compelling, which is why it might help to choose your words with care, and use them to heal rather than complicate matters.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With a key aspect bringing powerful feelings to the surface, the way you put something across can be important over coming days. With pushy Mars involved in the mix, it is very possible that you could be at your bluntest and most honest. Will this accomplish anything Archer? It will certainly let others know where they stand, but the damage done might take time to repair.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It is possible to make a clean break and cut something out of your life that no longer belongs there. The days ahead can bring powerful forces to bear on a situation that may have become untenable. But before you go ahead, consider the consequences Capricorn. What would be the outcome if you do this? If it is what you want, go for it. Otherwise, hold back and reconsider.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You could find yourself intensely focused on a situation that may be playing over and over in your mind in a very vivid way. In fact, it might be hard to attend to anything else, as this experience can seem to have quite a hold over you. If so, this may be a sign that it is time to process through things and allow it to dissipate. Embracing it could be the start of letting go.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Running out of energy because you have taken on too much Pisces? You could feel resentful, particularly if you are volunteering. If the pressure is increasing to say something it could all come out in a rush, especially if this has been going on for a while. But this can serve as a reminder not to let things build up this way again, and to speak out if and when you need to.

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