The Moon has moved into Aries today, and generally the day will have much more of a spark to it, not least because she soon trines, if fleetingly with Venus in Leo. With Uranus in Aries also angling brilliantly to Jupiter in Leo, this can be a time to initiate, and act on hunches.
Further positivity comes from the Suns conjunction with Mars, and their sextile to Jupiter. So there really is an awful lot to go for in terms of being proactive and showing self-confidence. Ideas be it to get out with friends and socialize, or for any more creative or entrepreneurial strands should be pursued with vigour. For your FREE Daily Horoscope for Wednesday 10th June 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
An unusual gadget you acquire or technique you devise could bring gains in terms of time, money or even entertainment value. As the Sun links with Uranus today, it's a good opportunity to improvise, innovate and try something new. In addition, a friendship can improve – if you take the time to share your feelings.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You have the vision and imagination to do some original and creative work, so don't ignore vivid dreams or inspirations that come to you out of the blue. Today's influences could also prompt you to consider a plan that might earn you extra cash. Again, it might be a spur of the moment idea, but one worth checking out.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Social opportunities come into play with high energy and additional vitality seeing you enthusiastically on-the-go. Today's Aries Moon, along with the Sun Uranus connection, can speed up the pace at which things happen. As a result, you could have a plan up and running just a few hours after you've dreamt it up. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Today's solar link suggests it's time to make a fresh start, tackle a project or head off in a different direction. Although this may be just a vague feeling, it could grow on you until it's too big to ignore. Firstly, list any creative ideas you've had recently that inspire you enough to want to experiment further. Then act on the best.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Snappy and upbeat ideas can get you noticed, both at work and in your personal life, too. People can seem to admire your unusual take on things, as well as your willingness to explore new possibilities and options. Bearing this in mind, today could become a journey of discovery that benefits you in more ways than one.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your fresh outlook and unique mode of expression are your gifts today, and could attract others who are keen to hear what you have to say. If you're in charge of a plan or project, your ability to multitask will certainly stand you in good stead. When it comes to more sociable strands, if something needs to be said, share it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Today's lively energies brighten things up, with your spirits becoming a tad more elevated. This may be down to a number of things, but mainly to the Aries Moon and its upbeat lunar links. A social event or the chance to chat with a close friend brings out the best in you, enabling you to see things from a different slant.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As Mercury gets ready to forge ahead, forward thinking ideas draw new people into your orbit, with friends, colleagues or acquaintances giving you an extra push. A delightful Venus connection suggests a plan of yours may be well received, with others keen to offer their support – whether financial or in a more hands-on way.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
A developing friendship may be energized by the current upbeat alignment, which could see you expand your social horizons in exciting ways. And you'll enjoy the company of others, even if contrary opinions are aired. Meanwhile, as Mercury gets ready to dance forward, a project that has stalled can benefit from a new spark.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Today's Sun Uranus connection encourages a free-spirited, adventurous mood. As a result, trying something new can have surprising but positive results. It's an opportunity to let your creative side out to play and to seek fresh solutions to old problems. While you're at it, shaking up your routines might also liven things up.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If confronted with an unusual problem or situation, keep your cool and you'll handle it brilliantly. A friend's unexpected news could require that you think on your feet. On another note, a positive Mercury Venus link can see you drawing closer to a friend or family member, and this may mean you'll begin to see more of them.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone close to you could be full of surprises, putting an innovative slant on things, particularly when it comes to family and financial matters. So try to be open to an idea or plan that initially might not seem like your thing. Later today, consider a get-together at your place or that of a friends for a warm and convivial evening.